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  1. From the top navigation bar, click on “Create” drop-down and click on ‘Cycle’ to create a new cycle

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  2. Creating Cycles has three steps to be followed:

    1. Details: This pop-up window has the following fields to be filled up:

      1. Title- The user can give a relevant name to a Cycle. It is a mandatory field

      2. Objective- The objective may cover the motive/ reason to create the Cycle

      3. Folder-Cycles can be organized in Folders, just like Cases. If Create Cycle is clicked from “All Cycles” listing, the field will show “Not Assigned” but if Create Cycle was clicked from within a folder, that folder's name will be pre-populated in this field

      4. Component- With AIO Tests, components that were created in Jira (by user), becomes available while creating a Cycle. This feature helps to categorize and organize Cycles

      5. Release- Releases that were created (based on the delivery dates) in Jira, becomes available while creating a Cycle. This feature offers flexibility to user

      6. Start Date, End Date-It gives user the privilege to enter the start and end date of the testing process. You can also remove the Start and End Dateindividually. System doesn’t allow to select a start date after the end date if end date is already specified and an end date before the start date if start date has been assigned

      7. Owner- User can select the name of the person who is responsible to get this Cycle executed. It could be anyone in the team

      8. Tags- Tags are keywords that let you classify Cycles in a more flexible and informal manner. They help you in system wide searching. You can associate multiple Tags to your Cycle

      9. Jira Tasks- Cycles can be linked with Jira issues that can track the work being done in a cycle

      10. Attachments- Any cycle level attachments like reports or documents to be used for testing can be uploaded here

        There are two options to proceed:

        1. Users can directly create the cycle and add Cases later, by clicking on'Create Cycle' button

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          . A message pops up saying that the cycle has been successfully created and the new cycle is added in the grid. Cases may be added later.

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        2. Users can click 'Add Cases' to navigate to the step of selecting and adding cases to the cycle (explained below)

    2. Add Cases: Users will see a list of Cases with check boxes, which can be checked to include them in the Cycle. By default, the list shows all published cases. Users can search Cases with the Case Title/ Key or optionally, they can use filters like Key, Owner, Folder, Release, etc. or add more filters to get a specific list quickly.
      If Sets are defined for Cycle executions, Cases belonging to Sets can be added by using the Sets filter. Multiple Sets can be selected.

      Users have the option to go back and edit details of the cycle by clicking ‘Details’ tab. There are two options to proceed from here:

      1. Users can click on 'Save' if they doesn’t want to assign users to cases at the time of creating Cycles. Users can click on the success message to go to the Cycle details view or

      2. Users can click on ‘Assign Users’ to assign testers to the added cases

    3. Assign Users: Team members can be assigned to Cases for execution at the time of Cycle creation itself. If all cases have to be assigned to the same person, the top checkbox can be clicked and bulk assignment can be done. The assignments can happen later too from the cycle details page


      Clicking ‘Save’ will keep you on the same page. Users can click on “Go to Executions” to start executing the cycle. Users have the option to go back and add more cases by clicking ‘Cases’ tab or edit initial details by clicking the ‘Details’ tab.

      Clicking “Go to Executions” will take users to the Cycle Details screen (see below).

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