Executing Your First Case

Executing Your First Case

A cycle contains a set of test cases organized in a specific order to be executed. Generally, it is created to test complete end-to-end test case scenarios. Cycles are broader in scope as compared to test cases and can be assigned to specific testers. A test cycle may also be created to test a complete set of test cases by type, such as a smoke test, regression, etc. 

AIO Tests allows you to plan out testing for a specific development cycle. Once you have created your test case in AIO Tests, you can proceed with the execution process. 

There are a few simple steps to execute your test case. 

Step 1: To execute a test case, you just need to click on the Create option in the top bar menu of the AIO Tests and select Cycle from the drop-down list. 

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Step 2: Once you click on the Cycle option, the Create Cycle modal window will appear on the screen with default fields from AIO Tests. By default, the title is the only mandatory field. You can also customize the fields as per your requirements from Project Settings.


Step 3: Enter all the required details into their respective fields such as Folder, Owner, Component, Start Date, End Date, etc. 

Step 4: Once you fill in the required details, link the Jira Story or requirements for which the cycle is being written. 


Step 5: Add cases by clicking on the Add Cases button or simply click on the Create Cycle button. 


Step 6: Once you add the cases to the cycle, assign testers by clicking on the Assign Users button. 


Step 7: Click on the Go to Execution option to start executing the cycle. 


Step 8: Mark the test cases passed, failed, in progress and blocked. You can also add a defect by clicking on the Defects icon



For understanding Cycles in more depth, you can check out the detailed guides in the Execution Management section. 


For further queries and suggestions, feel free to reach out to our customer support via help@aiotests.com

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