My Work

My Work

AIO Tests helps users keep track of the cases and cycles they are working on with a click of a button. Whether you want to view the tasks assigned to you or how much work is remaining for that particular task, the testing management app lets you do it with ease. 

In this documentation, you’ll understand:

How AIO Tests Makes Managing Your Tasks Easy 

On AIO Tests, users can not only view the cases and cycles assigned to them in the My Works section, but can also view all the defects created/linked by them. This platform lets you view all the remaining work with the deadline of the cycle. Here are some of the benefits of My Work. 

  • Track progress of tasks: By measuring progress on tasks, you can see how far you've come and how close you are to reaching your goal. My Work feature of AIO Tests allows users to view their progress on the assigned tasks along with the overall progress on that particular case or cycle they are working on.

  • Prioritize tasks: One of the major benefits of My Work is that it can help you keep track of your deadlines and prioritize your tasks based on them so that important tasks are not forgotten and are completed before deadlines. 

  • Track defects: In addition to helping you keep track of your tasks, AIO Tests allows users to keep track of all defects created/linked by them during testing in one place with their severity level and current status. 

  • Save time: AIO Tests lets users view details on ongoing cases or cycles in one place rather than switching between different screens, which not only minimizes efforts, but also time. 

Steps to View My Work

Step 1: To View My Work, simply scroll down to the bottom of the Overview page. 

On the My Work section, users can view the below information:

Users can collapse the “Activity Trends” section to directly view the My Work section. Once the Activity Trends section is collapsed, it will stay collapsed until it is manually changed. 

  • Cases: Users can view all the cases that they have created or edited in the last 30 days. Here, they can also view the current status of the cases with Priority level. 

    • Key: This column shows the unique key that’s generated for each case.

    • Title: Shows the name of the cases. 

    • Status: It shows the case design status such as Draft, Under Review, Published or any customized status.

    • Priority: It shows the severity level of the cases. 

  • Cycles: In this tab, users can view the list of cycles in which they have added cases, cases assigned to them, cases assigned by them to someone, and edited cycles in the last 30 days. 

    • Key: This column shows the unique identifier for the cycles. 

    • Title: Shows the name of the cycles

    • Overall: This column shows the run status progress bar with the remaining case data on top. When a user hovers the mouse on the Overall progress bar, it shows the Run Status distribution numbers in the tooltip. 

    • Assigned to me: This column shows the run status progress bar with the remaining case data on top that are assigned to the user. When a user hovers the mouse on the Assigned to me progress bar, it shows the Run Status distribution numbers in the tooltip. 

    • Start: Showing the starting date of the cycle

    • End: Showing the ending date of the cycle

    • Days left: In this column, users can view the total number of days left till the Cycle’s End date. For the cycle that ends in the past, the Days left column shows “ Ended”, the cycle that ended today shows “Today”, and the Cycle ending in future shows the remaining days. 

  • Once the user clicks on the Overall progress bar, they will be redirected to the Cycle’s Execution tab, where they can view the remaining cases, which are the cases that are not in the final status.

  • Once the user clicks on the Assigned to Me progress bar, they are redirected to the Cycle’s Execution tab, where they can view the remaining cases assigned to them. 

  • Defects: This tab shows all the errors encountered by the user. 

    • Key: This column shows the Jira issue ID for the defect.

    • Summary: Summary shows the title of the issue that gets created in Jira as a defect.

    • Priority: It shows the severity level of the encountered defects. 

    • Status: Represent the position of the error in its workflow.


For further queries and suggestions, feel free to reach out to our customer support via help@aiotests.com.

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