Viewing Case Executions

Viewing Case Executions

AIO Tests Jira Panel allows users to view the last 3 executions of a case within a cycle with ease. The list is populated with 5 cycles. The criteria for determining the cycles is the last 5 cycles in which the case was most recently updated or added.

In this documentation, you’ll understand:

Steps to View Case Executions 

Step 1: To view case executions, simply right-click on the desired test case from the Cases tab and select the Executions option from the drop-down menu. 


Step 2: Once you click the Executions option, you will see the executions list on the screen. The executions grid shows:

  • Cycle Key: It is the key in which the case was updated/added.

  • Cycle Title: It shows the name of the cycle in which the case was updated/added.

  • Assignee: To whom the case has been assigned for execution.

  • Last 3 executions (runs): It shows the status of the case within the cycle.

Users can also view the AIO case key and cycle details by clicking on the Quick Execute button. 


Users can view the key information about each status by hovering over the status icons under the Last 3 Executions column. It includes a Cycle key, Run # (says the latest execution for the most recent one along with the run#), Status (Passed, Failed, etc.), Created/Updated date, and Created/Updated by (user name). 


Users also have the option to update existing runs from the Jira panel itself by simply clicking on any of the status icons. It shows the AIO Case key, AIO Cycle key and the Run# at the top menu bar.

Here, the user can:

  • Change the status of this run/case by clicking on the Status icon.

  • See the defects attached to the case by clicking on the Defects icon. Users can also create new bugs/stories/issues from the defects screen.

  • See the comments attached to the case for this run by clicking on the Comments icon.

  • See the attachments on this case, if any and also upload attachments by clicking on the Attachments icon.

For further queries and suggestions, feel free to reach out to our customer support via help@aiotests.com.   

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