Grid Actions

Grid Actions

AIO Tests allows users to perform quick actions on Cases, Sets, and Cycles by simply right-clicking. By right-clicking on any grid, be it Cases, Sets or Cycles, all the contextual actions related to that entity will be displayed in the dialog box.  All the grids (Cases, Sets or Cycles) show different contextual actions that a user can perform. 

Users can also perform all the contextual actions that are available on the cases/sets/cycles grid by clicking on the vertical ellipsis located at the top right corner of the case/set/cycle detail page.

Grid Actions

Cases Grid

A number of actions are available on the Cases Grid that a user can perform by simply right-clicking on the row of a case. These actions include, Open Case in New Tab, Copy Cycle Link, Edit, Copy, Move To, Archive, Delete, Create Cycle, Add to Cycle, Create Set, and Add to Set. For more details on Case grid actions, click here


Sets Grid

By right-clicking on the desired set, users can perform various actions namely, Open Set in New Tab, Copy Set Link, Edit, Copy, Move To, Delete, Create Cycle and Add to Cycle. For more details on Case grid actions, click here.


Cycles Grid

By right-clicking on the desired cycle, you can perform these options- Open Cycle in New Tab, Copy Cycle Link, Reports (Execution Summary, Execution Details, Execution History, Execution Burndown), Import Results, Execute Offline, Edit, Copy, Move To, Archive, Delete, Create Set, and Add to Set. For more details on Case grid actions, click here

Right-Side Panel on Grid

AIO Tests also allows users to review all the essential details related to a test case/set/cycle in the right sidebar panel with the click of a button. Whether you want to keep track of the activities, such as created date, updated date, owner, status, want to view the custom fields, or want to update the status of a case, the test management tool lets you do it effortlessly.

The right-side panel option is available for Cases, Sets, and Cycles. In this guide, we are going to describe the steps specific to Cases. 

Steps to View Right Side Panel

Step 1: To view the right-side panel of a case, all you need to do is click on the Cases option in the top bar menu.

Step 2: On the Cases page, click on the test case row (other than the case key) for which you want to open the right side panel. Once you click on the test case, a right-side panel window will open up with some quick details.

Steps to Change the Status of a Case from the Right Side Panel

AIO Tests allows you to change the status of a case from the right-side panel with ease. With this feature, users can change the status of a case to different statuses like deprecated, under review, draft, etc., effortlessly. 

Step 1: To change the status of a case, simply click on the Cases option in the top bar menu.

Step 2: Click on the case whose status you want to update. Once you click on the desired case, you will find a sidebar popup where you can update the status of a case.

Step 3: Click on the current status of the case and select the desired status from the drop-down menu.

Once you have changed the status, a notification will appear at the bottom-left corner of the screen saying Changes saved.

For further queries and suggestions, feel free to reach out to our customer support via help@aiotests.com

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