Copy Cycles

Copy Cycles

AIO Tests allows users to copy multiple cycles from one folder to another with the click of a button. Whether you want to copy specific cycles from All cycles to a specific folder or want to track the progress of the copied cycles, the test management tool lets you do it with ease.

In this documentation, you’ll understand:

Steps to Copy Cycles

Step 1: To copy cycles, all you need to do is click on the Cycles option in the top bar menu.

Step 2: Click on the folder from where you want to copy the files and hit the Pencil icon. Tick the cycles that you want to copy to a different folder.

Step 3: Click on the Bulk button and select the Copy option from the drop-down menu.

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Step 4: Once you click on the Copy option, the Copy Case(s) modal window will be displayed on the screen asking for the target folder name and user preferences. Select the target folder from the Select Target Folder drop-down (existing folder structure will be displayed).

Users also have two options here- Preserve the folder hierarchy, Add suffix to copied cycles, and Copy Case assignees.  

  • Preserve the Folder Hierarchy

  1. If selected, the folder structure of the cycles to be copied will be re-created under the folder selected in the target folder.

  2. If selected and if no target folder is specified, the folder structure of the cycles to be copied will be created at the root level. Please note, in this case, if any cycle doesn’t belong to a folder, it will be copied into the Not Assigned folder.

  3. If not selected, cycles will be copied into the specified target folder.

  4. If not selected and if no target folder is specified, cycles will be copied into the Not Assigned folder.

  • Add suffix to copied cases

  1. If selected, “ - Copy”, will be added at the end of the title of the copied cycles.

  2. If not selected, the title of the copied cycles will be the same as the selected cycles.

  • Copy Case Assignee: Users can also copy assignees from source to newly created cycles

Step 5: Finally, click on the Copy button.

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Once the user clicks on the Copy button, a batch job creation message will be displayed with the option to review the progress by clicking “Open Jobs”. 


Steps to View Bulk Copy Jobs

Step 1: To view bulk copy jobs, simply click on the Cycles option in the top bar menu.

Step 2: Click on the vertical ellipsis icon (⋮) and select the Bulk Copy Jobs option from the dropdown menu. 

Once you click on the Bulk Copy Jobs option, the list of jobs will be displayed on the screen.

Users can view the details of the listed jobs by clicking on the Details button. 

For further queries and suggestions, feel free to reach out to our customer support service via help@aiotests.com.

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