Execute Case- Capturing Results

AIO Tests allows users to capture the results of the test cases that are added to the cycle. Whether you want to add the details of the run or want to modify the run, the test management tool lets you do it with ease. 

In this documentation, you’ll understand:

View Test Run Details  

To view test run details from the cycle execution screen, click on the carat icon (>) on the left of the case key. It will expand the list of runs associated with that particular case. Users will see “Run 1” of the case created by the system for the first execution of the case. Run 1 of the case also shows the pre-conditions, custom fields, and step details of the case

  • Pre-conditions: Pre-conditions, if defined will be displayed just below the Run row. 

  • Custom Fields: Custom fields for the run, if defined will be displayed below pre-conditions or below the Run row(in case pre-conditions are not defined for the case). Users have the option to edit the Custom fields by simply clicking on the pencil icon. 

  • Step Details: It shows the information of each of the steps that are added to the case such as step name, data, and expected results. Users can add actual results for each step. To learn more about it, read the Capturing Actual Results section explained below. Each step row also has:

    • Execution status icon so that users can mark the status of each step (changing step status impacts the status of the Run as well as the overall case as per the percolation rules.

    • Defects icon to log defects (how to log defects is discussed in Execute Case- Defects & Evidence).

    • Comments icon to tag folks and post relevant comments.

    • Attachments icon to upload evidence of execution.

Users can create multiple runs for a case by clicking on the Add Run option. 

Test Run Actions

On the run row, users can view the information related to case execution and can carry out different actions performed on case execution. 

  • More Details: By clicking on the More Details icon (i), users can view the estimated effort of the case, the created/updated run date and time, and the name of the tester who executed that case.

  • Reset Run: Users can reset any progress done so far on the run by simply clicking on the Reset Run button. Once you click on the reset run button, the Reset run modal window will be displayed on the screen. Finally, click on the Reset button. Once you click on the Reset button, the status of all the steps and the run is set to Not Run. Also, all the other data such as comments, defects, actual results, etc, is also removed. 

  • Created Date: It shows the date on which the run is created.

  • Execution Mode: It shows whether the case is executed manually or automated. To change the execution mode of the run execution mode, click on the pencil icon and select the execution mode from the dropdown menu. 

  • Actual Efforts: It shows the actual efforts of the testers on that particular case. Users can enter actual effort manually or use the timer functionality to let the system capture the actual effort. 

  • Bulk Assign Steps: By clicking on the Bulk Assign Steps icon, users can assign an assignee to multiple steps in the case. To assign an assignee to multiple steps, click on the Bulk Assign Steps icon and tick the steps that you want to assign them. Select the name of the assignee from the displayed list.

  • Users only get the option to bulk assign the user to steps only when they toggle on the Run Step Assignee option in the Field configuration. To learn more about field configuration for Runs, click here

  • Users can remove the assignees by clicking on the Remove existing assignments option. 

  • Users have the option to select all the steps by clicking on the Select All icon and unselect all steps by clicking on the Unselect All icon

  • Users can also edit/add the assignee from each of the steps mentioned within the case by clicking on the pencil icon with the assignee icon. 

  • Execution Status: The execution status shows the current run status of the case. Users can change the execution status of the Run by clicking on the Status icon and selecting the appropriate status from the drop-down list. There are some rules that govern what happens to the steps when the status changes. To read the rules, click here.

Users also can change the execution status at the step level. 

  • Defects, Comments and Evidence: Users can log defects, add comments, and upload evidence for the run using the icons highlighted below. To read more about it, click here.

Capturing Actual Result

AIO Tests allows users to capture the actual result for each of the steps in the case that are added to a cycle. Users can enter the actual result at each step by clicking on the Add actual results button. Once you click on the Add actual results button, a box opens up where the user can enter information in it.  

If the step entered under the case is worked as entered in the expected results then click on the tick icon (Works as expected option).

If the result needs to be edited/deleted, the icons are shown by hovering over the row of the step.

Capturing Actual Effort

AIO Tests allows users to capture the actual effort spent by the tester on the process of executing the case. Users have two options to capture the actual efforts- Manually and the Timer function

  • Manual Option: Users can capture the actual efforts manually by clicking on the pencil icon and enter the total time spent by them in executing the case. Click on the Save button.

  • Timer Option: Users also have the option to capture the actual efforts spent by the tester on executing the case by clicking on the timer clock icon

Once the timer is started, users can navigate anywhere in the app or to another window. The timer will continue to run. The timer will be displayed on the run as well as on the top.

If the pause button is clicked, users get the option to resume the timer as shown below.

If the stop button is clicked, the Stop timer modal window will be displayed on the screen. Click on the Save Effort button to add the time to the actual effort. If you click on the Discard Effort button, Actual Effort remains unchanged. 

For further queries and suggestions, feel free to reach out to our customer support via help@aiotests.com