Automation Coverage

Automation Coverage

The automation coverage gadget allows you to view details about the automated cases against the manual cases. With the help of this gadget, you can measure and compare the savings in effort due to automation testing. It allows you to specify cases for which automation coverage can be seen across multiple parameters.

In this documentation, you’ll understand:

Steps to Add Automation Coverage Gadget

Step 1: To add an automation coverage gadget, simply click on the Edit button on your selected dashboard.

Users can add the automation coverage gadget at the time of dashboard creation and also while editing a dashboard. The image below is of the Edit mode.

Step 2: On the right-side panel, enter Automation Coverage into the Add a Gadget field.

Step 3: Click on the Add button for the AIO Tests - Automation Coverage gadget.

Step 4: Once you click on the Add button, the Automation Coverage gadget will be added to your dashboard. Enter the project name into the Project field.

  • Users can select one or multiple projects in the automation coverage gadget.

  • Users also have the option to select the desired case selection criteria from the given options- Cases, Sets, Cycles, and Requirements. With each case selection criteria, there is an option to specify a parameter- “Distribution By”, using which the automation coverage will be shown.

    • Cases: Users can specify a list of cases by using the filter option. The default distribution is shown by ‘Automation Owner’ but users can choose any of the available options.

    • Sets: Users can specify a list of sets by using the filter option. The automation coverage report will be generated for unique cases belonging to specified sets. The default distribution is shown by ‘Set’, but users can choose any of the available options.

    • Cycles: Users can specify a list of cycles by using the filter option. Users also have the option to specify a dynamic filter for cycles by changing ‘List’ to ‘Filter’. The automation coverage report will be generated for unique cases belonging to specified cycles. The default distribution is shown by ‘Cycle’ but users can choose any of the available options.

    • Requirements: Users can specify a list of requirements by specifying Jira issue IDs, by using JQL or by using Jira’s saved filters. The automation coverage report will be generated for cases linked to the specified requirements. The default distribution is shown by ‘Requirement’ but users can choose any of the available options.

  • Users have the option to customize the look of the automation coverage output by ticking/unticking the checkboxes for Display options - Show coverage summary, Show coverage pie, and Show coverage distribution. 

    • Show coverage summary: Users can choose if they wish to see the table with details for specified coverage in the automation coverage output.

    • Show coverage pie: Users can choose if they wish to see the pie with details for the cases in different Automation statuses namely Automated, In Progress, to be Automated, Manual and Not Assigned. 

    • Show coverage distribution: Users can choose if they wish to see a quick summary of the automated cases with respect to the distribution parameter given in the input criteria.

  • Users also have the option to select the refresh interval, which determines the frequency at which the dashboard should undergo updates, by clicking on the Refresh interval field. By default, the refresh interval is set to None. 


Step 5: Finally, click on the Save button.

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Once you click on the Save button, the automation coverage output will be displayed on the screen. The below image shows the sample output for a project.

  • Users can also manually refresh the dashboard by clicking on the Refresh option from the ellipsis located at the top right corner of the automation coverage gadget.

  • The numbers for Automation Status and Effort can be clicked to view additional details except percentage.

For further queries and suggestions, feel free to reach out to our customer support via help@aiotests.com.

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