Creating Dynamic Reports

Creating Dynamic Reports

AIO Tests allows users to make the input dynamic for generating reporting by simply using the filter option for a cycle instead of using a list. It allows users to input multiple cycles without specifying the keys of Cycles in reports. 

In this documentation, you’ll understand:

Make your Reports Dynamic

To make your reports dynamic for cycles, all you need to do is select the Filter option from the dropdown. Select the criteria for which you want to generate the report. All the cycles meeting that particular criteria will be selected every time automatically as input to generate the report. If the user adds a cycle and that cycle fulfills the selected criteria, then when the user runs the report, it will also include the latest added cycles as the input automatically. Additionally, if a cycle is updated to no longer match the filter applied, the corresponding cycle will be removed from the test run. This is because the user has selected a filter option and given criteria instead of selecting a list in which they have to specify cycle keys.   

Dynamic reporting feature applies to Traceability Summary, Traceability Detail, Case Distribution, Automation Coverage, Automation Burndown, Multi-Cycle Execution Summary,  Multi-Cycle Execution Detail, Multi-Cycle Execution Distribution, Multi-Cycle Execution Comparison, Run Distribution, and Defect Trend report. The same applies to related gadgets.

For further queries and suggestions, feel free to reach out to our customer support via help@aiotests.com.





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