Defect Trend Report

Defect Trend Report

Defect Trend Report helps you track created vs resolved defects across multiple cycles. In this documentation, you will understand:

Steps to Generate a Defect Trend Report

Step 1: To generate a Defect Trend Report, simply click on the Chevron option for Defect Trend.

Group 1 (75).png

Step 2: Once you click on the chevron icon, the Defect Trend Report modal window will appear on the screen. Fill in the fields with your desired details.

Users can narrow down the cycles with the help of filters (Funnel icon). If you don’t have saved filters, you can add them by clicking on the Inverted Triangle icon.

Step 3: Finally, click on the Generate button.

Once you click on the Generate button, the output will be displayed on the screen.

Below is a sample output when 10 cycles have been specified in the input and activity time period is set as Month:



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