Multi Cycle Execution Comparison Report

Multi Cycle Execution Comparison Report

The Multi Cycle Execution Comparison report allows you to compare execution results across Cycles. The report shows the comparison of execution results of different cases added to the cycles with their current status and defects. With this report, users can compare the execution results of multiple cycles simultaneously in AIO Tests.

In this documentation, you’ll understand:

Steps to Generate Execution Comparison Report

Step 1: To generate an Execution Comparison Report, simply click on the Chevron option for Multi Cycle Execution Comparison.

Group 1 (72).png

Step 2: Once you click on the chevron icon, the Multi Cycle Execution Comparison Report input window will be displayed on the screen. Click on the Cycles field and select the cycles for which you want to generate the Multi Cycle Execution Comparison Report.

  • Users can also use the filter option to narrow down the Cycles list. They can filter the Cycles list by Component, Release, Cycle Tags, Folders, or any custom fields (which can be added via the inverted triangle icon).

  • Users also have the option to specify a dynamic filter for cycles by changing ‘List’ to ‘Filter’.

Step 3: Finally, click on the Generate button. 

Once you click on the Generate button, the report output will be displayed on the screen.

Multi Cycle Execution Comparison Report Output- Overview

Here’s a detailed explanation of the Multi Cycle Execution Comparison report output. 

  • Cycle Overview: The first section of the Multi Cycle Execution Comparison report consists of the Cycle Key and Title. 

  • Execution Comparison Details

The execution comparison details section displays the execution comparison details of cases added to the cycle(s). The columns that are shown by default are- Key, Title, Priority, and the columns of cycles whose execution results are compared. There is an option to customize the columns as needed.

The below screenshot shows the execution comparison details of two selected cycles- ADP-CY-83 and ADP-CY-93. 

You can customize columns by selecting/deselecting columns from the Select Columns drop-down. Click on Apply to see the customized grid.

Users cannot remove the Key and Title columns from the grid.

After adding the Folder, Case Owner, and Case Status as a column, the grid looks like:

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