Storage Manager

AIO Tests allows you to manage storage for the attachment files across your projects with the click of a button. Whether you want to keep track of the storage of the attached files across the project or want to delete the specific files attached to Cases/Run, the test management tool lets you do it effortlessly. 

Only Jira/Project admins or designated AIO Admins can take actions on the Storage Manager page. For other users, the page will be shown in read-only mode.

In this documentation, you’ll understand:

Steps to View Storage Details

Step 1: To view the storage details, simply click on the Gear icon and select the Project Settings option from the drop-down menu.

Step 2: On the Project Settings page, click on the Storage Manager option in the sidebar menu. 

Once you click on the Storage Manager option, you will be able to view the below details:

Storage Manager- Overview

The top section of the storage manager gives a quick glimpse of the storage used across all Jira projects where AIO is enabled, storage used by your project, storage allocated, and maximum attachment limit.

Storage Used by Currently Selected Jira Project

  • Name: This column shows the attachment file name. By clicking on the Name, you can view the attached file.

  • Size: This column shows the size of the attachment file.

  • Created Date: It shows the date on which the file is attached to the Case and Run. 

  • Type: The type column displays the type of the attachment files. 

  • Users can click on the Created drop-down and select the desired time period to view the attachment files stored across the project created before/after/between a specific date(s). 

  • Users can sort the attachment files by Size and/or Created Date by simply clicking on the header of the column. 

Steps to Navigate to the Attachment File Location

Step 1: To navigate to the attachment file location, click on the Open in New Window icon for the attachment file that you want to open in a new window.

Once you click on the Open in New Window icon, you will be redirected to the place where the file is located. 

Steps to Delete an Attachment File

Step 1: To delete an attachment file, all you need to do is tick the attachment files that you want to delete. 

Users can click on the Created drop-down and select the desired time period to delete the attachment files stored across the project created before/after/between a specific date(s).

Step 2: Click on the Delete button located at the top of the page.

Step 3: Once you click on the Delete button, the Delete confirmation modal window will be displayed on the screen. Click on the Delete button. 

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