Export Cases (Excel, CSV and PDF)

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Export Cases (Excel, CSV and PDF)

AIO Tests allows you to export cases to an Excel file or to a CSV file or a PDF. This article discusses how to export cases from AIO Tests.

Steps to Export cases

By default, all cases are exported. To narrow down the list of specific cases for export, use filters or search or use Bulk Edit to select relevant cases and use Export Cases option from Bulk menu. Once the cases are filtered and export is performed by following the steps below, all the filtered/searched cases get exported (even if the list is paginated).

  1. Navigate to Cases tab & click on ‘More Actionsellipsis and then click on Export Cases option




  2. Choose the desired format in the ‘Export Cases’ window and click ‘Export’


  3. Depending upon browser settings on downloading a file, the exported file will either download to the default location or a dialog box will open for specifying the download location

  4. A message is displayed stating that the download will begin in few seconds

Below fields are exported for all exported cases

  • Case Key (clickable link in excel export)

  • Title

  • Pre-conditions

  • Steps, Data and Expected Result (each step is on a separate line along with respective data and expected results)

  • Step Keyword [In case of BDD cases]

  • Datasets/Examples

  • Folder name

  • Jira requirements linked to the case (clickable link in Excel export)

  • Owner

  • Priority

  • Case Status

  • Type

  • Release

  • Component

  • Estimated effort

  • Tags

  • Automation fields - Automation Status, Automation Owner, Automation Key

  • All Custom Fields defined for Cases

Below is a screenshot of a sample excel export file


If a user doesn’t have access to a linked case, a read-only case key will be exported with a comment informing the user that they don’t have access to the case.

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