Execution Summary Report

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Execution Summary Report

The Execution Summary report can be used to view the current status and progress of an execution cycle. The report shows details around cases added to the cycle, their status, execution effort, defects, etc. The Execution Summary report can be created for one cycle.

Generating Execution Summary Report

Click on the right chevron, next to the execution summary report to get the input screen for the report. In the Cycle field, select a cycle for which you want to generate the report. Clicking on Generate will generate the Execution Summary Report.

The filter option can be enabled to narrow down the cycles list. You can filter the cycles list by Component, Release, Cycle Tags or by Folders or any custom fields (can be added via the inverted triangle icon).

The report output is shown below and each section is explained in detail next.


Cycle Overview

The top section consists of the Title, objective, start date and end date of the cycle.


Cycle Statistics & Execution Distribution

The next section displays different statistics of the cycle on the left and shows a pie chart on the right hand side. The pie chart shows the cases (included in the cycle) by their execution status. On hovering upon each slice of pie, the status count can be seen. The statistics on the left consists of:

  1. Total cases: Informs you about the total number of cases added in the cycle

  2. Incomplete Cases: It’s a cumulative sum of the In Progress, Blocked and Not Run cases

  3. Passed Cases: It shows the number of Passed cases in the cycle

  4. Failed Cases: It shows the number of Failed cases in the cycle

  5. Estimated Effort: It is the Total effort which is calculated based on the “estimated effort” time of all cases

  6. Actual Effort: It is the Actual effort, which is calculated based on the “actual effort” i.e. time taken to execute/ run all cases

  7. All Defects: Informs you about the total number of defects raised in the cycle. It also shows how many defects are currently in Open status i.e. not in Done status category

  8. Latest Run Defects: Informs you about only the defects relevant to the latest run of the cycle and also the how many of those are in Open status i.e. not in Done status category


Cycle Execution Summary

This section gives a quick glimpse of case execution status and defect count of the cycle. This information can be used to ascertain problem areas quickly. The data can be viewed with respect to the Case folder structure, Sets or based on Components. By default, “Show only non-empty items” is selected which means only those folders/components will be shown from which cases were added to the specified cycle. This check-box doesn’t apply to Sets as we only show sets to which cases belong.

Folders Grouping: An entry in the table is the cumulative sum of the folders and the sub folders. The value enclosed within brackets, in each entry, is the number of cases directly under the folder.

At the end of table, the Total row gives the overall count of Total cases included in the cycle, the total number of cases in different statuses and also the total count of defects. The total is not displayed for Sets as one case may belong to multiple Sets.



Defect Summary

This section shows the defect summary in three ways - defect status distribution, defect priority distribution and defect details table.

The left pie chart can be used to see Defects distribution based on status and the right pie chart to see Defects distribution based on Priority. On hovering upon these pie charts, you can view the details like status, priority and count.


The defect details table shows all the defects in rows with details like the type of the defect, it’s key, the title associated with the defect, it’s priority, status, the assignee, reporter, etc.

Users have the option to add more columns to the defect details table by using the highlighted button above. On clicking the “Select Columns” button, the below screen is displayed which allows users to add desired columns to the table. In the screenshot below, the highlighted section displays the order in which the selected columns will be shown. Key & Summary cannot be removed from the table.

The columns selected will be stored as user’s preference and same columns will be available the next time report is generated.


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