Versions Compared


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Click on the right chevron, next to the report name to get the input screen for the report. In the Cycles field, specify the cycles for which you want to generate the Execution Summary Report. Clicking on Generate will generate the Execution Summary Report. The filter option can be enabled to narrow down the cycles list. You can filter the cycles list by Component, Release, Cycle Tags, by Folders or by Foldersany of the custom fields.


The report output is shown below and each section is explained in detail next.


Cycles Overview

The top section consists of different statistics of the specified cycles. The statistics consist of:

  1. Cycles: number of cycles provided as input

  2. Unique Cases: number of unique cases across the specified cycles

  3. Total cases: total number of cases to be executed

  4. Incomplete Cases: number of cases in In Progress, Blocked and Not Run status

  5. Passed Cases: number of Passed cases in all the cycles

  6. Failed Cases: number of Failed cases in all the cycles

  7. Estimated Effort: It is the Total effort which is calculated based on the “estimated effort” time of all cases across all cycles

  8. Runs: number of runs in all the cycles

  9. Actual Effort: It is the Actual effort, which is calculated based on the “actual effort” i.e. time taken to execute/ run all cases

  10. Remaining Est. Effort: It is the sum of the estimated effort for the incomplete cases

  11. All Defects: total number of defects raised in the cycles (including all the runs)

  12. Latest Run Defects: number of defects associated with the latest run of cases across cycles


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Cycles Summary

This section gives details of execution for all the cycles specified in the input by using bar charts for Case distribution, Estimated Effort distribution and a table with numerical details. This information can be used to see how the overall testing is progressing for a given set of cycles.


The user has the option to filter cycles to see the ones with pending executions (Not Run, In Progress and Blocked cases) as highlighted in the image below.


Defect Summary

This section shows the defect summary in three ways - defect status distribution, defect priority distribution and defect details table.


The columns selected will be stored as user’s preference and same columns will be available the next time report is generated.
