
Our documentation site has been updated to AIO Tests Knowledge Base


AIO Tests provides multiple in-built reports and new reports are continuously being added. Currently, reports are organized in 5 categories - Traceability, Automation, Single Cycle Execution, Multi Cycle Execution and Project reports.

There are gadgets available for advance reporting for a few report segments and more are being added.

Viewing a Report

Click on the “Reports” tab. The reports are structured in form of a grid with their names and descriptions. They also highlight the Category of the report.


Categorization of Reports

  1. Traceability: Track requirements coverage
    Traceability Summary- This report shows a high-level summary of requirements coverage along with case priority, execution and defect distribution
    Traceability Detail- This report shows end-to-end coverage of requirements. It maps requirements to cases, executions and defects

  2. Automation: Analyze automation coverage and burndown
    Automation Coverage - This report shows automation coverage of cases by different parameters - Automation Owner, Case Priority, Sets, Cycles, etc.
    Automation Burndown - This report shows how many cases are getting automated over a period of time (monthly, quarterly, etc.) along with saved manual effort

  3. Single Cycle Execution: Analyze current testing execution status 
    Execution Summary- This report tracks the current status of a Cycle
    Execution Detail- This report analyzes the execution for a Cycle
    Execution Burndown- This report shows the burn down rate for a Cycle
    Execution History- This report shows history of all runs of all cases in the cycle along with details of defects reported in each run

  4. Multi Cycle Execution: Analyze progress for multiple related cycles
    Multi Cycle Execution Summary- This report shows the current status and progress of multiple cycles together
    Multi Cycle Execution Distribution- This report shows cycle execution progress by different parameters - user assignment, case priority, case type, Jira requirements and case tags

  5. Project: Tracks progress of your project
    Project Metrics- This report tracks key metrics and activity summary of the project
    Project Activity- This report tracks project activity over a time period and users can select activity to review

  6. User: Tracks user activity
    User Activity- This report tracks user activity over a time period. Users can specify name of testers and also choose the activity to be reviewed

Generating Reports

Reports can be generated by clicking on the right chevron as highlighted in the image below


Editing Reports

Instead of going back to previous page, you can directly edit input criteria from the results page. Click on Edit button at top of the report to get to the input screen again.
Edit operation is available on all reports except Project Metrics report. An example of Traceability Detailed report is shown below.


Exporting Reports

AIO Tests supports exporting of reports to Excel and PDF. After the report is generated, user can click Export to export the report. All reports can be exported to Excel and PDF.

Sharing Reports

AIO Tests supports sharing of reports publicly for all project team members and with specific users via Report URL. All reports are shareable.
For details, click here.

Saving Reports

All reports can be saved except Project Metrics report. For details, click here.

Refreshing Reports

Users have the option of refreshing the reports so that they can see dynamic data without entering the input criteria again. All reports can be refreshed.



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