Definitions and Concepts

Our documentation site has been updated to AIO Tests Knowledge Base

Definitions and Concepts

Before getting started, this article explains some basic terminologies and concepts that will be useful for user to understand AIO Tests in a better way.

Terminologies used

AIO Tests uses very simple and common terminologies, mostly same as used in testing field, so that user can seamlessly and efficiently work on the tool.


Cases are used to verify compliance against requirements. A case can have many steps with data and expected results.


Specific steps/ actions in a case which a tester has to follow while execution.


A reusable set of cases which are frequently executed/ tested. Logical grouping for doing testing. A case may belong to multiple Sets.


Set of cases which need to executed/ tested end to end for a testing goal.

Run/ Case execution

A Run is the execution/ instance of a Case. Cases can have multiple Runs within a cycle.

Run Steps

Specific steps/ checks of the case followed for execution. If at least one step fails, then the case/ run would fail.

Run steps contain execution information like status (pass/ fail), defects and attachments.

Depending upon the reason behind the failure, an issue or a bug can be created for the development team to work on.


Same as bug.


Key Entities

For more detailed understanding, we have used Venn diagrams to explain the key entities of the app.

  • Cases


  • Sets


  • Cycles


Workflow Diagram

With AIO Tests, Cases can be created and mapped with Jira requirements. Then the Cases can be merged logically to form a Set. The Cases can also be added to Cycles, for execution. With help of Cycles, Reports can be generated and progress can be tracked to verify mapping with the Jira Requirements. This forms a testing cycle.


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