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Traceability Summary Report

This report gives a quick summary when you want to view the current testing status. For QA’s, this report may be very useful to get high level summary of whether a requirement has been covered with a case or not. If requirements from multiple cases are linked to the cases of the project being viewed, they can be reported on too. Similarly, if defects from multiple projects are linked to runs of the project being viewed, they will be included in the report too.


Generating Traceability Summary Report

After clicking on the right chevron next to the Traceability Summary report, you get the input window as shown in screenshot.


Understanding the Input Screen

The input screen has the following fields:

Requirements: Specify the requirements for which traceability needs to be reviewed. One or more requirement(s) can be specified via three options (requirements from multiple projects if linked with cases of the project can be specified)

  • List: search list of Jira issues via key or title. You can filter the list by project name & Jira issue type

  • JQL (Jira Query Language): specify requirements meeting a criteria using standard JQL. Clicking on the JQL box opens up the standard Jira box which helps in faster JQL creation

  • Filter: select a filter created and saved in Jira (the list of filters from Jira is pre-populated and is shown upon clicking inside of the search box)

There are two more options to further refine the requirements criteria

  • Include Child Issues: selecting this checkbox will include the child issues of all the specified requirements

    • Filter Child issues: Clicking the icon will allow users to specify which issue types to include in the report (e.g. user might only want to see stories not task/sub-tasks so in the dropdown user can select Story)

  • Cumulate Requirements Data: on selecting this checkbox, data of all the sub-tasks (the child issues), with specified requirements, will be percolated up to the parent issue. It can be checked only if the 'Include Child Issues' checkbox is checked

Cycles: Specify which execution cycles should be considered for traceability of the selected requirements; multiple cycles can be specified. If all or any of the check boxes under Cycles are selected, cycles list will need to be provided. Users can search for cycles using filter options like component, release, tags and folder

  • Retrieve Runs: Check this box to see the test execution results in the traceability report. If not selected, execution details will not be displayed in the report

  • Retrieve Defects: Check this box to see the test execution defects in the traceability report. If not selected, defect details will not be displayed in the report

While running multiple cycles (may be in two different environments), you could use one of the two strategies to merge them:

  1. Last Run: Check this box if only the latest run, across all cycles, is to be considered for the report. So, the status shown will be the last run’s status only. E.g. a case was executed in cycle 1 on Jan 2 and in cycle 2 on Jan 3; then only Jan 3 run will be considered)

  2. All Runs: Check this box if you want to view statuses of runs across all cycles. E.g. if a case is executed in 3 different cycles with result statuses as passed, failed and passed respectively. The final status, after merging will depend on all 3 statuses which will be failed in this case (and not the status of last run, which would be passed for this example)

Click Generate to view the report.

Understanding the Report Output

The screenshot below shows the report output for input provided in the input section above (project = ADP and cycles selected as ADP-CY-1, ADP-CY-2 with Run Merge strategy as “All Runs”)


The top section of the report (shown in below screenshot) gives a quick glimpse of the number of requirements generated, the coverage count (requirements mapped with cases) and percentage, the non coverage percentage along with count, the count of cases associated with covered requirements and defects logged while executing the associated cases.


The next section shows three pie charts

  1. Case Priority Distribution - When cases were created, they were associated with a priority: lowest, low, medium and critical. The first pie chart distributes the cases in the specified cycles based on priority

  2. Execution Distribution - This pie chart displays the execution status of the cases (Not Run, In Progress, Blocked, Passed and Failed)

  3. Defect Distribution - This pie chart displays the status of the defects that were raised as part of the execution of the cases

The count for each category is displayed on hovering on the segments of the pie charts.



The last section of the report gives a tabular view of the

  • requirements (listed according to their priorities)

  • whether the requirement is covered (case/s are associated with the specified requirement) or not

  • Case Count (number of cases associated with the story/ epic/ requirement)

  • Execution results bar (hovering upon which gives detailed numbers)

  • %age of cases in passed or failed status (done) in the specified cycles

  • the defect count (defects found as part of testing done in the cycles specified in the input)



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