Saved Reports

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Saved Reports

AIO Tests has added the ability that allows users to save frequently used reports along with their input criteria apart from creating new and ad hoc reports.

Instead of entering the same criteria again or bookmarking a report with saved criteria, saved reports allows users to quickly re-run their reports from within the app. Saved reports can be edited (and re-saved), renamed, copied, shared and deleted.

This article covers how to save, edit, rename, share and delete reports.


Save a Report

Below screenshot shows the page shown on click of Reports tab from the main navigation.

Click on “>” of any report to generate the report first. Below is an example of Execution Summary report for a sample cycle.


Once the report is generated with the required input criteria, click on “Save” (highlighted below) to get the option to give a name to the saved report. Once a name is provided, click on the Save button.


The original generated report is re-generated with the given name as shown below. Name of the report is shown on the top. Below the name, the type of the report is shown along with the owner name (user who saved the report) and the date the report was generated on.


If the user edits the input, the report will need to be re-saved for the new input to be part of the saved report. The user will be prompted to save changes if they navigate away without saving.


Access Saved Reports

All saved reports will be available in the “My saved reports” section of the Reports tab. The user can run the saved report by clicking the right arrow “>” as highlighted below.

User will get the options to edit, rename, etc. by clicking the ellipsis as shown below (just before the “>”).


Edit Saved Reports

There are 2 ways using which users can edit saved reports - via “Edit” option on ellipsis and via “Edit” option on generated saved report. Any changes to the input criteria will need to be re-saved if the user wishes to use the new criteria the next time they run the report.

If the user navigates away after editing a report but not re-saving it, they will get a prompt to either “Save & Continue” or “Discard & Continue”.



Share Saved Reports with the entire Team

Users can share the saved reports with all of their project team members in one go.

Once the user clicks on ‘Share’ from ellipsis on “My saved reports”, user will be asked to confirm the sharing. On clicking “Share”, the report will be shared. It will be available in the “Shared Reports” area under Reports tab.

If the user clicks on “Share” from a newly generated report, user will be asked to Save & Share. Upon saving, the report will also be shared. It will be available in the “Shared Reports” area under Reports tab.

Share Saved Reports URL with the specific Team members

Users can share the saved reports via URL with specific team members.

Once the user clicks on “Copy Report URL” from the ellipsis on “My saved reports”, a message will be displayed (shown below)

The users can then copy the link in an email or chat to share it with specific people.

Actions for Shared Reports

The users with whom the report is shared can

  • Save the report to their ‘My saved reports’ section (they will need to provide a name). This will create a copy of the shared report and the shared user will become the owner. The report shared via the link will still have the original user as the owner

  • Edit the report for their use and then save it (this will not change the original report)

  • Export the report to Excel

  • Share the report with more users

Below is an example of a report saved and shared by another user with the logged in user. It shows who the owner is, type of report and when it was generated. If the logged in user wants, they can save this report in their own saved reports section (this will create a copy of the report).

If the owner of the report, changes the input criteria, the shared URL will generate the report based on new input criteria but the saved report will continue to work on the original input criteria.


Rename Saved Reports

Users can rename their saved reports from “My saved reports” section or from the “More” drop-down in the generated report as shown below (left image). They will get a prompt to enter a new name (right image).



Copy Saved Reports

Users can copy a saved report from the “My saved reports” section. The below prompt is shown while copying the report. A new name needs to be provided in the prompt.

The report will be copied with the input criteria. Users can then change the input criteria and save it for further use.


While on the report, users can select “Save As” to create a copy (same input or change input) - shown below.


Delete Saved Reports

Saved reports can be deleted if they are not in use anymore. Users with whom the report is shared will also not be able to access the report once its deleted.

Users can delete saved reports from the “My saved reports” section and from the generated report as shown below.


The functionality of saving reports is available for all the reports except for Project Metrics report.

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