Defect Impact Report

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Defect Impact Report



Defect Impact report shows the impact of selected defects on cases and requirements.

This report, can be used to understand, how widespread is the impact of the defect.
The report can enable the team to

  • Decide the priority for fixing the defect.

  • If the defect is getting fixed, which areas need to be regressed.

  • Defects, which are not associated with any case, could indicate missing Case coverage.

Generating Defect Impact Report

Click on the right chevron next to the Defect Impact report to get the input screen for the report.



The report input modal contains below fields:

  • Defects: Specify the defects for which the report needs to be generated. Defects can be selected via three options:

    • List: search list of Jira issues via key or title. Users can also filter the list by project name & Jira issue type.

    • JQL (Jira Query Language): specify requirements meeting a criteria using standard JQL. Clicking on the JQL box opens up the standard Jira box which helps in faster JQL creation.

    • Filter: select a filter created and saved in Jira (the list of filters from Jira is pre-populated and is shown upon clicking inside of the search box)

  • Include only last Run: Check this box if only the last run of the cases should be considered for the report. If not selected, all runs of the resulting cases will be considered in the report

  • Include Runs only from current Project: Check this box if the runs from only current project should be considered for the report. If not selected, runs from all the projects should be considered

Click Generate to view the report.

Defect Impact Report

Once the Report is generated, it will look as below.


Defect Impact report contains two sections:

  • Overview: This section gives the overview of report in numbers.

    • Defects: Total number of Defects selected via Report input.

    • Defects caught: Number of Defects found using Cases.

    • Defects missed: Number of Defects not found via Cases.

    • Cases impacted: Number of Cases impacted via selected Defects.

    • Requirements impacted: Number of Requirements impacted via selected Defects.

  • Details: This section will show the impact of defects on Cases and Requirements. It has two views Detailed and Summary. These can be toggled using the View dropdown in the report.

Detailed View

By default the report is opened in Detailed view.


Detailed view shows Defect → Associated Run → Case → Requirement information for each Defect selected via report input.

Some highlights of the report data:

  • A Defect can impact multiple Runs of a Case in different Cycles.

  • A Defect can impact multiple Cases. For ex: AS-122 is impacting 3 different Cases.

  • A Defect might not have any Run information, which could indicate missing Case coverage. For ex: AS-125 does not have any Run associated with it.

Summary View

Switch to Summary view using the View dropdown.


Summary view shows the same data as Detailed view without the Run information. The Cases and Requirements are clubbed together in a single list. Counts are shown for each Defect row for easy analysis.

This view is more useful when doing a high level analysis, where in Run data is not required.

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