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Copy Cases

If multiple cases of a project need to be copied into the same project (to a different folder or to same folder), user can select the cases in Bulk mode and select Copy from the Bulk drop-down.


A modal opens asking for the target folder name and user preferences while copying (described below).

  1. Select Target Folder: The folder drop-down shows the folder structure of the current project. If ‘Not Assigned’ is selected, the folder field will be left blank and cases will be in the Not Assigned folder.

  2. Preserve the Folder Hierarchy?:

    1. If selected, the folder structure of the cases to be copied will be re-created under the folder selected in the target folder

    2. If selected and if no target folder is specified, the folder structure of the cases to be copied will be created at the root level. Please note, in this case, if any case doesn’t belong to a folder, it will be copied in the Not Assigned folder

    3. If not selected, cases will be copied in the specified target folder

    4. If not selected and if no target folder is specified, cases will be copied in the the Not Assigned folder

  3. Add suffix to copied cases?:

    1. If selected, “ - Copy”, will be added at the end of the title of the copied cases

    2. If not selected, title of the copied cases will be same as the selected cases


After setting preferences, users can click on ‘Copy’ to start the copy process. Users will see a message (shown below) showing that the copy is in progress and how to track progress.

Progress can be tracked under Import Cases → Jobs → Bulk Import (as shown below). If there are linked cases in a case that are not accessible to the user, then the copy of that case will fail as can be seen in the results below


Copying cases from one project to another project in which AIO Tests is enabled is covered here.