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LHSP - Run and Run Steps

This article covers the execution part of the cycle. It shows how to review steps of the case, link defects, create defects, post comments, attach files and record actual effort while executing the cases.

LHSP - Details of a Run

Once a particular Case is opened via the right chevron (>) from the LHSP, Run Details can be viewed in the grid.

The Run row contains details about:

  1. Run created date- The date on which the run was created

  2. Execution Mode- Execution mode for the case can be set here

    1. Manual (default)

    2. Automated

  3. More Details ()- On clicking this, user can view some important details about the selected Run

  4. Actual Effort- Users can enter the actual effort taken to execute the case manually by clicking on the pencil icon or they can use the “Effort Timer” play button

  5. Run Status- Users can update the status of the run from RHSP also, by clicking the status icon (it is same as what is shown on the left panel). Edits should be made keeping in mind rules given in

  6. Defects, Comments, Attachments- Users can click on any of the three icons to open the relevant RHSP (right panel) and record the artifacts

Effort Timer

Users have the option to let the system decide how much actual time it took to execute a case. To use this functionality, users can click on the play button next to the Effort timer.

Once the timer is started, users can navigate anywhere in the app or to another window. The timer will continue to run. It is displayed on the run as well as on the top (see screenshot).

Users have the option to pause (pauses the timer) & stop the timer (user gets the option to save or discard the effort).

Multiple users can have timer on the same run, if needed

If pause button is clicked, user gets the option to resume timer as shown below.

If stop button is clicked, user gets a message as shown below. If ‘Save Effort’ is clicked, the time is added to the Actual Effort. If it’s discarded, Actual Effort remains unchanged.

The top timer information allows users to navigate to the run on which timer is running by clicking the arrow icon along with pausing, resuming and stopping the timer.


Let’s now see the Steps section:


This section lists all the steps for the case along with their Test data and Expected Results. If there are linked cases, they will be shown too with an option to show steps.

It has few editable fields:

  1. Add Actual Result: You can inform and save what is actually happening after the execution


  2. Status: The status of each individual Run Step is depicted here and users can change the status of the Run Step by clicking on the icon. This will indirectly affect the status of the Run according to rules defined


  3. Count of Defects, Comments and Attachments: The number of the defects associated with each step, the comments, if any and the attachments added to the step can be seen from here. Click of each of these icons, opens the corresponding RHSP



Clicking of “Defects” icon at Run or Step level opens the RHSP of Defects. This tab can be used to log defects related to the selected Run/Step. You can either add/link an already created Jira bug by searching and clicking “Add” or you can create a new bug/defect without going to Jira by clicking “or Create new issue” as shown below. Adding a defect will be updated in the dashboard too



The click of “or Create new issue” opens the ‘Create Issue’ screen of Jira (with Bug issue type selected if defined by the Jira project). All steps of the run are copied in the description of the bug being created. If the defect is being attached at step level, all steps until the step on which the defect is being created, get copied in the description of the bug.

On creating the Jira issue, it gets created in Jira and also gets linked to the Run in AIO Tests.

The issue type to be used while creating the defect and its description is customizable. Please click here to learn more.


Review comments can be posted for a Run/Step from this tab. Users can be tagged to comments by using the '@' symbol to generate email notifications.



Files relevant to the Run/Step can be added here (file size should not exceed 100 MB). Users have the option to paste an image from their clipboard or attach files from their computer.

  • While pasting an image from clipboard, users can enter a file name also to save the file. If no name is entered, the pasted image gets a system assigned name

  • Users can download or delete the file from the run/step



  • Clicking ‘Attach File(s)’ opens a dialog using which recent uploads or new files from computer can be uploaded