Email Notifications

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Email Notifications

Users can tag other users while commenting on a case or while execution of a case (at run/step level). Tagging users will generate an email notification (given the preferences are set appropriately). Email notifications are sent automatically when a user is assigned to a case in a cycle and also when a user is set as the Automation Owner of a case.

This article discusses from where users can be tagged, who will receive it and how the email notifications will look.

Generating Email Notifications

Users can generate email notifications by tagging other users in AIO Tests. Users can tag users by using the “@” symbol. Below are the 3 places from where email notifications will be generated if users are tagged.

Cases → Comments


Cycles → Cases → Comments on Runs


Cycles → Cases → Runs → Steps


Who will receive Email Notifications?

The highlighted legend at the bottom of the comments section is to show for which users the email notification will be attempted.

  • User1 (Green) Indicates users can receive email notifications for new or an edited comment in which they were tagged

  • User2 (Red) → Indicates users cannot receive email notifications due to their email preferences (this can be due to AIO email preferences or if they haven’t made their email address visible to all in Jira account preferences)

  • User3 (Blue) → Indicates users can only receive email notifications when they are mentioned for the first time. If the comment is later edited, then they will not receive a notification. This is controlled by their AIO email preferences. To learn more about AIO email preferences, click here. To notify them again, it is recommended to remove them, save the comment and then re-mention them.

Sample Email Notification

Below is a sample of how the generated email notification looks.



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