Requirements: Specify the requirements for which the report needs to be generated. One or more requirement(s) can be specified via three options (requirements from multiple projects, if linked with cases of the project, can be specified).
List: search Search list of Jira issues via key or title. Users can filter the list by project name & Jira issue type.
JQL (Jira Query Language): specify Specify requirements meeting a criteria using standard JQL. Clicking on the JQL box opens up the standard Jira box which helps in faster JQL creation.
Filter: Select a filter created and saved in Jira (the list of filters from Jira is pre-populated and is shown upon clicking inside the search box).
Users have one three more option options to further refine the requirements criteria:
Include Child Issues: Selecting this checkbox will include the child issues of all the specified requirements. E.g. if the specified requirement is an Epic with multiple stories, all the stories don’t need to be specified separately if this option is checked. If not selected, only the parent issues are displayed in the report.
Filter Child issues: Clicking the icon will allow users to specify which issue types to include in the report (e.g., the user might only want to see stories, not task/sub-tasks, so in the dropdown user can select Story).
Include all Case Versions: Ticking this checkbox will include data from all the case versions linked to the requirements.
Exclude Archived Cases: Selecting this checkbox will exclude the archived cases from the generated report.
Cycles: Specify which the project and execution cycles that should be considered for traceability of the selected requirements; multiple cycles can be specifiedselected from multiple projects. If all or any of the checkboxes under Cycles are selected, the cycles list will need to be provided.
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Retrieve Runs: Check this box to see the test execution results in the traceability report. If not selected, execution details will not be displayed in the report.
Retrieve Defects: Check this box to see the test execution defects in the traceability report. If not selected, defect details will not be displayed in the report.
Include only Last Run: Check this box if only the last run of the cases should be considered for the report. If not selected, all runs of the resulting cases will be shown in the report.
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By default, all checkboxes are checked. |
Step 3: Finally, click on the Generate button.
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Users can also save reports to reuse them later by clicking on the Save button. |
Once you click on the Generate button, the report output will be displayed on the screen.
Here's a sample Traceability Detail Report. The below screenshot is when the traceability report is generated via JQL and cycles have not been specified.