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AIO Tests provides integration with Postman tests by allowing users to import their Newman-generated JSON report via REST calls or with a custom Newman Reporter. Results can be updated for existing AIO Tests Cases by mapping automated cases or by creating new ones from the Newman results JSON file

Having the automated results reporting in AIO Tests can help in having a holistic view of the coverage of requirements (unit to manual to functional and end-to-end automated tests).

This article discusses how are API tests created and the results of the tests uploaded to AIO Tests using Newman results.

In this documentation, you’ll understand:

Postman and Newman

Postman is an API platform for building and using APIs. It is also an API client that makes it easy for developers to design, mock, create, share, test and document APIs. With Postman, you can send requests to connect to APIs you are working with. Requests can retrieve, add, delete, and update data. Requests can send parameters, authorization details, and any data that is required.

Newman is an open-source command-line Collection Runner for Postman. It enables you to run and test a Postman Collection directly from the command line, making it possible to run API tests in continuous integration servers and build systems.

Newman Setup

  1. To run Newman, ensure that you have Node.js >= v10. Install Node.js via package manager.

  2. npm install -g newman or brew install newman

Execute Postman Collection via Newman

Postman requests and examples can be grouped into collections to keep a workspace organized, collaborate with teammates, generate API documentation and API tests, and automate request runs.

  1. Create a Postman Collection. For details on creating Postman collections, please refer to Creating Collections and Adding Requests to Collections.

  2. Export the collection (Steps to Export). Exporting creates a collection.json file.

  3. Using the newman CLI, run the collection
    newman run sample-collection.json

  4. Environments provide a set of variables that one can use within collections. If an environment file is required, then export the environment file and use it with Newman run as follows:
    newman run mycollection.json -e env.json

Sample Collection

Generating JSON Report

The JSON reporter comes out of the box with Newman. To generate a JSON report for a newman run, provide --reporters json as a CLI option.

It takes the path to the file, where to write the report --reporter-json-export <path>. If not specified, the file will be written to newman/ in the current working directory.

So, a complete command to run and generate a JSON report will be as below:
newman run mycollection.json -e env.json --reporters json --reporter-json-export <path>

Sample Report

The JSON report is a comprehensive output of the run summary. It contains the details of all requests, their tests, the responses and much more. A sample report is as below:

Integration with AIO Tests

AIO Tests supports Postman API Tests via the BDD/Gherkin format of cases. Using the Newman output of runs, AIO Tests allows users to:

  • either report results against existing cases in AIO Tests

  • or create new cases on the fly.

A sample API case in AIO Tests looks like below. The next section shows how Postman data of requests, tests and assertions are mapped to an AIO Test.


Field Mapping (Postman → AIO Tests)

The below table summarizes how a Postman API Tests gets translated to an AIO Case.

Postman field

AIO Tests Field


Name of request


PublicApi - Get TestCase Priority

Name of request

Automation key

PublicApi - Get TestCase Priority

Request endpoint

First step in Given

GET {{SERVER_URL}}/project/{{JIRA_PROJECT_ID}}/config/testcase/priority

Query Params

Data in first step

Query: startAt=0&maxResults=100&needDataInRTF=true

Body params

Data in first step

{"testRunStatus": "Passed<b>NR</b>1", "effort": 180, "comments": ["Comment line1", "Comment line2"] }

Form Data

Data in first step [FormData:
key1 = value1


FormData: file = "/file.json"
cleanResults = true
fetchDetails = true

URL Encoded Body

Data in first step [ URLEncoded: key = value ]

URLEncoded: what = for


No mapping


First assertion (if any)

Step 2 with Then keyword

THEN Response must be valid and have a body

Rest of the assertions

Step 3 and forth with And as keyword

AND Validate Priorities in Response

Reponse size, response code, response time

Actual result of first step


Variable values [ Env, collection ]

Actual result of first step


Request Error [ happens when server URL is invalid]

Actual result - against first step

RequestError{ errno=-3008, code='ENOTFOUND', syscall='getaddrinfo', hostname='{{cloud url}}'}

Assertion Failures

Actual result

AssertionError: expected response to have status reason 'OK' but got 'UNDEFINED' at Object.eval sandbox-script.js:1:1)

Mapping Postman Tests to Existing AIO Tests

If cases have been created in AIO Tests to uniquely map the AIO Case to the API Test, the case key can be added to the name of the API, as shown below:

Adding case key to API name is not mandatory. Even without a case key, the case would be identified using the automation key. However, in the event, where the API name changes, AIO would recognize it as a new case and create a new one. To avoid this situation, it is recommended to add case key, so that future changes to the name of the API still get written to the same case.

Creating Postman Tests in AIO Tests

If no case key is added to the name of the API, then a new case is created in AIO Tests, with the field mappings as explained in the section: Field mapping (Postman → AIO Tests)

The automation key of this newly created case is set to the name of the API. The subsequent times when the API test is run, the cases are identified by the automation key.

In the above example, the first 2 cases will be reported to AT-TC-223 and AT-TC-224. However, the 3rd and the 4th requests will be created as new cases. Below is an example of a newly created case:


Reporting Results

To report the results of a collection run AIO Tests provide 2 ways.

  1. The newman-reporter-aiotests allows users to set up an AIO Tests config in their Newman run if running Newman as a library or via the command line. The reporter gives additional capabilities to create cycles for each run or to reuse existing cycles.

  2. Users may choose to import the JSON report (generated by the inbuilt JSON reporter), via the Import Result API or through the Cycle Import Results option or through the Jenkins plugin. To read more about these options, please refer to Importing Results in AIO Tests.


AIO Tests has introduced a custom reporter for Newman. The newman-reporter-aiotests simplifies reporting results from Newman with an easy setup.


The reporter works as a plugin with Newman so ensure that you have already installed that package globally, using npm install -g newman.

To globally install the aiotests package:

npm install -g newman-reporter-aiotests

To use aiotests as a library, install the package as a dependency into a nodejs project's package.json file using:

npm install -S newman-reporter-aiotests


In order to enable this reporter, specify aiotests in Newman's -r or --reporters option. The following command would run the reporter:

newman run collection.json -r aiotests 
--reporter-aiotests-jiraProjectId=AUT --reporter-aiotests-aioApiToken=<yourAPIToken>

CLI Options

With Newman CLI

CLI Option




To enable or disable reporter for a particular run. Defaults to true.

newman run collection.json -r aiotests --reporter-aiotests-enableReporting=false


To enable or disable reporter for a particular run. Defaults to true.

newman run collection.json -r aiotests --reporter-aiotests-enableReporting=false


Jira Project key - the Jira project to which the results need to be reported

newman run collection.json -r aiotests --reporter-aiotests-jiraProjectId=AUT


Only for Jira Cloud
API Token generated from AIO Tests.

newman run collection.json -r aiotests --reporter-aiotests-apiToken=<yourapitoken>


Only for Jira Server/DC
Hosted Jira Server URL

newman run collection.json -r aiotests --reporter-aiotests-jiraServer=


Only for Jira Server/DC
Personal Access Token generated from Jira Server

newman run collection.json -r aiotests --reporter-aiotests-jiraServer= --reporter-aiotests-jiraPAT=<yourPAT>


Set to true to create new cycle for run.

newman run collection.json -r aiotests --reporter-aiotests-createNewCycle=true


If createNewCycle is false, then the cycleKey identifies the existing AIO Tests Cycle to be updated

newman run collection.json -r aiotests --reporter-aiotests-cycleKey=AUT-CY-23


If createNewCycle is true, the newCycleTitle specifies the name of the cycle to create

newman run collection.json -r aiotests --reporter-aiotests-newCycleTitle="API Smoke Run 24Nov"


Defaults to false. Set to true to create a new run for each execution.

newman run collection.json -r aiotests --reporter-aiotests-createNewRun=false


Defaults to true. Set to false, if cases without case Key mapping should be reported as failures.

newman run collection.json -r aiotests --reporter-aiotests-createCase=false


Defaults to true. Set to true to override data from report to overwrite the manual case in AIO Tests. Set to false, if case should not be updated. e.g If a new assertion is added in Postman, if bddForceUpdateCase is true, it would be added as a new step, else it would be reported as failure.

newman run collection.json -r aiotests --reporter-aiotests-bddForceUpdateCase=false

With Newman as a Library

All the CLI functionality is available for programmatic use within a nodejs script.

Install the required node modules using npm i -S newman newman-reporter-aiotests

const newman = require('newman');{
   collection: '/path/to/collection.json',
   reporters: 'aiotests',
   reporter: {
     aiotests: {
        //enableReporting controls, if for this run, results have to be reported or not
        'enableReporting': true, 
        // Jira Project Key
        'jiraProjectId': 'PROJ1', 
        // Uncooment below : Jira Server URL and Jira PAT is required if on Jira Server/DC
        // 'jiraServer': '', 
        // 'jiraPat': '<PATToken>', 
        //AIO Tests API Key
        'aioApiToken': '<AIO API Key>',
        //createNewCycle - defaults to true, Set to true if new cycle needs to be created
        'createNewCycle': false, 
        //newCycleTitle - defaults to collection name, if createNewCycle true, newCyclePrefix would be used to create new cycle, else cycleKey would be used to update existing cycle
        'newCycleTitle': '',
        //cycleKey - if createNewCycle is false, then set cycleKey to report to existing cycle
        'cycleKey': 'NVTES-CY-403',
        //createNewRun - defaults to false, set to true to create new run for each execution
        'createNewRun': true, 
        //createCase - defaults to true, Set to false, if new cases should not be created for requests with no cake key mapped
        'createCase': true, 
        //bddForceUpdateCase - defaults to true, updates step changes in AIO Case with changes in request data
        'bddForceUpdateCase': true 


For further queries and suggestions, feel free to reach out to our customer support via

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