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Rules of Status Updates

As a user, you need to keep certain rules in mind while setting Status of Run and Run Steps.

Rules for Status of Run

If the status of Run Steps is modified, the status of Run is also updated. So status changes made in Steps, percolate up to the status of Run according to rules defined below.

  • If you try to set status of all the Run Steps as Not-Run then the status of the Run also becomes Not Run

  • If you mark status of all the Run Steps as In-Progress then the status of the Run also becomes In-Progress

  • If you mark status of all the Run Steps as Passed then the status of Run also becomes Passed

  • If you set Status of any of the Run Steps as Failed, the status of the Run becomes Failed

  • If any of the Run Steps is not Failed but Blocked, the status of the Run is Blocked

  • If no Run Step is marked as Failed or Blocked and any/ some but not all of the Run Step(s) is/ are marked as Passed, then the status of the Run is In-Progress.

    The below screenshot has been taken from our ATM example where all the Run Steps are marked as Not Run except third Run Step which is marked as Passed- the Status of Run becomes In-Progress.


  • Similarly, If no Run Step is marked as Failed or Blocked and any of the Step Run(s) is/are marked as In-Progress, then the status of the Run changes itself to In-Progress

Refer to the table below for a clear understanding of the above rules

Run Steps Status

Run Status

Not run

In Progress








Not Run





In Progress

















In Progress



In Progress


  1. Cells marked with means when some/ any step is under that status

  2. Cells marked with means that none of the steps have that status

  3. Blank cell means other statuses won't matter if and condition(s) are met

Remember while considering percolate up, only direct child status is considered which means if a Case A is linked to Case B, Case B is linked to Case C, and if user marks a Run step in C as Failed (e.g. C.2), then the status will be percolated up to B, i.e. status of B will be failed and thus status of A will also be failed.

Similarly , if we change the status of C directly (not the Run steps) to Blocked then status of B will only consider the status of its direct child which is C (not the steps of C).

Rules for Status of Run Steps

If Status of Run is directly modified, then the status of all the Run Steps is also updated. So status change made at Run level, percolates down to the status of Run Steps according to rules defined below.

Percolating down happens, only if, the status of Run is changed to Passed, and if

  • all Run Steps (including steps of linked steps) have either Status of Not Run or Passed

  • none of the Run Steps (including steps of linked steps) have any data in it i.e data may only have Actual Result/ Comments/ Attachments/ Defects