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Executing a Case in a Cycle

The Executions tab in a Cycle is where you can start executing your cases. This article describes in detail how users can execute cases and record their results.

Cases Grid and Visible Information

The cases grid shows the list of cases added to the cycle for execution along with a lot of information explained in points below

The details shown in the grid are

  • case keys and title

  • a pencil icon to edit case directly from cycle (on hover over of a case row). Once the case is updated, user can choose if he wants to update the existing run or create a new run

  • assignee for execution and a pencil icon to change the assignee (on hover over of a case row)

  • number of runs associated with each case

  • an “Add run” link for executing additional runs of a case. Users can choose this option when they want to execute the same case in the same cycle again. Users get the option to use the latest version as well as to copy results and values from the previous run

  • execution status of the case

  • number of defects associated with the latest run of the case

  • an icon to remove the case from the Cycle


Executing a Case

To execute a case, users will open the case using the carat icon (>) on the left. Users will see ‘Run 1’ of the case created by the system for the first execution of the case. Users can create multiple runs using the ‘Add Run’ option discussed above. Run 1 of the case also shows the - preconditions, custom fields and step details of the case.

Run Information

The information that is displayed on the run row and the actions that can be taken are described below

  • Users can click on ‘More Details’ icon to check the estimated effort of the case, created/update run date and time and executed by information

  • Reset Run allows users to reset any progress done so far on the run, if required. A confirmation window appears and upon approval, status of all the steps and of the run is set to ‘Not Run’. All other data like comments, defects, actual results, etc. is also removed

  • Run Created date and execution mode (Manual/Automated) are also displayed

  • Users can enter Actual effort manually or use the Timer functionality to let the system capture the actual effort

  • The execution status (status symbol is clickable here, enabling user to change the status of the Run). There are rules that govern what happens to the steps when the status is changed; read them here

  • Users can log defects, add comments and upload evidence (discussed in detail below) for the run using the icons (in that order)

  • Pre-conditions, if defined, is displayed just below the Run row

  • Custom Fields for Run, if defined, are displayed below Pre-conditions or below Run row (if Pre-conditions are not defined for the case). Users can edit Custom fields using the pencil icon


Step Information

The steps, data and expected results defined for the case are also shown when the case is expanded. Users can add actual results for each step using the “Add actual result” link. Each step row also has

  • Execution status icon so that users can mark the status of each step (changing step status impacts the status of the Run as well as the overall case as per the percolation rules

  • Defects icon to log defects (how to log defects is discussed in detail below)

  • Comments icon to tag folks and post relevant comments

  • Attachments icon to upload evidence of execution

Marking Execution Status

Execution Status options (Not Run, In Progress, Blocked, Passed, Failed and any customized statuses) are shown on the click of the status icon from Case, Run and Step on the cycle details page allowing user to set the desired status. The rules governing what happens when the status is changed depends on “Rules of Status Updates

Capturing Actual Effort

Users have two options to capture the actual effort spent on execution of the case. They can either enter it manually or use the Timer function.

Manual Option

Timer Option

The start timer icon is highlighted below. Once the timer is started, users can navigate anywhere in the app or to another window. The timer will continue to run. It is displayed on the run as well as on the top (see screenshot).

Users have the option to pause (pauses the timer) & stop the timer (user gets the option to save or discard the effort).

The top timer information allows users to navigate to the run on which timer is running by clicking the arrow icon along with pausing, resuming and stopping the timer.

If pause button is clicked, user gets the option to resume timer as shown below.

If stop button is clicked, user gets a message as shown below. If ‘Save Effort’ is clicked, the time is added to the Actual Effort. If it’s discarded, Actual Effort remains unchanged.


Capturing Actual Result

Users can enter actual result at each step by clicking the “Add actual result” link. The box opens up and users can enter information in it. The Save and Cancel buttons are highlighted below.

If the result needs to be edited/deleted, the icons are shown on hovering over the row of the step.


Creating Defects

Clicking of “Defects” icon at Run or Step level opens a right panel for Defects tracking. This tab can be used to log defects related to the selected Run/Step. You can either add/link an already created Jira bug by searching and clicking on the desired issue or you can create a new bug/defect without going to Jira by clicking “or Create new issue” as shown below. Adding a defect will be updated in the Overview tab too.

Users also have the option to create a defect as “Sub-task” of any Jira issue. By default, the Jira story/requirement(s) linked to the case is shown. Users can also select the “Sub-task” type using which the issue should be created in Jira.

Adding Comments

Review comments can be posted for a Run/Step from this tab. Users can be tagged to comments by using the '@' symbol to generate email notifications.


Adding Evidence

Files relevant to the Run/Step can be added here (file size should not exceed 100 MB). Users have the option to paste an image from their clipboard or attach files from their computer.

  • While pasting an image from clipboard, users can enter a file name also to save the file. If no name is entered, the pasted image gets a system assigned name

  • Users can download or delete the file from the run/step

  • Clicking ‘Attach File(s)’ opens a dialog using which recent uploads or new files from computer can be uploaded