Cycles Grid & Actions

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Cycles Grid & Actions

This article describes the Cycles tab and all the available actions on the page.

Cycles Grid

Once the Cycles have been created, they show up in the grid on the Cycles tab. The Cycles comes with its own folder structure which can be used to organize cycles based on each organization’s execution strategy.

The grid shows the Key, Title, Owner, Case Progress, Start Date and End Date, by default. The users have the option to customize the columns using the column selector. The Case progress bar is an informative, color coded bar where each color informs user (on clicking) about the count of Cases in different execution statuses.

The Cases belonging to the Cycle can be viewed by clicking on the cycle key link.

Cycles Grid Actions

Users can do a right click on any Cycle row and see all the available actions → Open Cycle in New Tab, Copy Cycle Link, Reports (Execution Summary, Execution Details, Execution History, Execution Burndown), Import Results, Execute Offline, Edit, Copy, Move To and Delete. The actions are explained in detailed below.

Open Cycle in New Tab

This option allows users to open cycle in a separate tab

Copy Cycle Link

This option allows users to get a direct link to the Cycle detail screen that can be shared with other users

Execution Summary

This option lets user generate the execution summary report for the selected cycle without leaving the Cycles tab. The details on the report can be found here

Execution Details

This option lets user generate the execution detail report for the selected cycle without leaving the Cycles tab. The details on the report can be found here

Execution History

This option lets user generate the execution history report for the selected cycle without leaving the Cycles tab. The details on the report can be found here

Execution Burndown

This option lets user generate the execution burndown report for the selected cycle without leaving the Cycles tab. The details on the report can be found here

Import Results

This option lets user import automation results for the selected cycle. The details on frameworks and how the import works can be found here

Execute Offline

This option lets the user export cases of a cycle and related run details in excel, make updates and import them back in. The details of this process can be found here

Edit Cycle

On click of Edit, the Cycle opens with the Details tab in Edit mode. The screen has 3 tab - Details, Cases and Execution

  • Details - Fields are pre-populated with current values and user has the option to modify them



  • Cases - In this tab, users can review the existing cases (comes with filters, search and column selector options), add more cases, make assignments, add new cases, lock the cycle, re-order cases and take bulk actions like user assignments and case removal. All actions are available from the Manage Cases ellipsis. Users have the option to go back and edit the initial details by clicking ‘Details’ tab. Users can also make single case assignments by clicking the highlighted pencil icon.

    • Create new case - User can create a new case and add it to the Cycle from the Cases tab itself in the Cycle details view. The user doesn’t need to go to Cases tab to do it. A case created from within a Cycle can only be in Published status. For details regarding how to create a case, please see Creating Test Cases

    • Add existing Cases - User can add more cases to the Cycle in this step by clicking on ‘Manage Cases’ ellipsis and selecting “Add existing cases”. In the next screen users can add cases by searching, using title or key, or using filters. Users can click ‘Show previously added cases’ to see which cases have already been added to the cycle. Once done, users need to click Save to confirm the additions.

    • Lock Cycle Scope - Users can lock the scope of a cycle i.e. users can restrict the addition/removal of cases from a cycle using this option. Once locked, users who do not have the permission to unlock, will not be able to add or remove cases from a cycle. Permissions can be set as explained here. Note, users can still execute cases in a cycle; just the addition and removal of cases is restricted. A lock is shown on the cycle as highlighted below. In Cycles grid, a filter “Locked” is added to check which cycles are locked.

    • Reorder cases - Users have the option to specify a order in which the cases should be shown/executed in the cycle. On clicking ‘Reorder cases’, users can drag and drop the cases in the desired order. Clicking ‘Done’ button will save the specified order.

    • Bulk Assign User- A single user can be assigned for execution to multiple cases using this option

    • Bulk Remove Cases- You can remove multiple Cases from the cycle at the same time using this option

Copy Cycle

This option opens a Create Cycle screen with source Cycle’s details pre-populated. User can modify the details as required. The rest of the process is same as creating a cycle.

Move To Folder

Users can move the selected Cycle to some other folder from its current location. Select a folder to which the Cycle should be moved in the Move to Folder pop-up



A Cycle can be deleted if no longer in use and doesn’t have Cases added for execution. The error that is displayed when trying to delete a Cycle having a Case associated with it, can be seen below.

  • Adhoc cycle cannot be deleted as it is treated as a system cycle

Cycles Quick View (via the right side panel)

Single click on a particular row of the grid to quickly view the details of the Cycles in the right panel. The cycle details page can be opened in a new tab from here too, by clicking the pop-out button (top-right). The right panel can be closed by clicking the 'X' on top right of the panel.

Cycles Grid: Folder, Filter, Sort and Search

Filtering, searching and sorting help to quickly view the cycles that you are interested in. The Search, Filters, Folders icon and Bulk options are highlighted and explained below.

  • The search function allows users to search cycles via key/title on the cycles list page

  • You can do filtering by the options shown in the second screenshot. The filters list is customizable. The filter options once created are saved as user preference for subsequent sessions


Sorting can be done by clicking on the column headers in the Cycles grid.

For further details, click here, as these operations work in the same way across the app.

Cycles Grid: Customize Columns

Users can select which columns they want to see on the Cycles listing page as shown below. After selecting the fields to be added, click on ‘Apply’ to add the fields as columns.

Cycles Grid: Bulk Editing

There are four bulk actions that can be performed on Cycles- Move to, Copy, Delete and Cancel.

Bulk mode is turned on by clicking the pencil icon. Select the cycles on which bulk actions have to be performed (check all cycles at once by checking the checkbox next to key). Click on “arrow” in place of the pencil icon, to see the options to move cycles to different folders, copy cycles (explained below), delete and cancel. Select the appropriate action to complete the bulk operation.


Bulk Copy Cycles

You can copy multiple cycles together in the same project. Below options are presented when “Copy” option is selected for cycles.


  • Users can choose the target folder from the drop-down (existing folder structure will be displayed)

  • Users can choose to preserve the folder hierarchy which will copy the folder structure of the selected cycles to the target folder (this can be useful if teams have same execution structure for each release e.g.)

  • Users can also copy assignees from source to newly created cycles

Once the user clicks “Copy”, a batch job creation message will be displayed with the option to review the progress by clicking “Open Jobs“. Users can also check progress from the “Bulk Copy Jobs” option from top-right corner under Cycles tab, as highlighted below

Clicking “Bulk Copy Jobs” will display the list of jobs and details can be viewed by clicking the ‘Details’ link.

Bulk Edit Cycles

details coming soon

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