Creating Folders and Sub-Folders

Creating Folders and Sub-Folders

AIO Tests allows you to create folders and sub-folders to organize the test cases, sets, and cycles with ease. By creating folders and sub-folders on the test management tool, you can not only divide your cases/sets/cycles into different categories (features, functionality, environments, etc.) but can also locate your data effortlessly. 

AIO Tests lets you create a Folder hierarchy (folders & sub-folders) for proper organization of your entities.

Folders can be created for Cases, Sets, and Cycles. In this guide, we are going to describe the steps specific to Cases but they apply for Sets and Cycles too.

Steps to Add a Folder at the Root Level

Step 1: To create a folder, simply click on the Cases option in the top bar menu.

Step 2: Click on the “Add new folder” button in the left-side panel. 

  • By default, the AIO Tests comes with an All and Not Assigned folder. All shows all test cases whether or not they belong to a folder and Not Assigned shows all test cases that are not inside a folder. These two folders cannot be renamed, deleted or moved.

  • The Folders panel is open when you first start using AIO Tests. If you close it, it will stay closed the next time you are on the tab and if you keep it open, it will stay open. If it is closed, you can open it by clicking the folder icon on the Case tab.

Step 3: Once you click on the  “Add new folder” button, the Add new folder modal window will display on the screen. Enter the name of the Folder you are creating into the Folder name field.

By default, All is selected in the Parent Folder field. Users can change the parent folder to a user-defined folder by clicking on the folder drop-down. 

Step 4: Click on the Ok button.

Once you click on the Ok button, the folder that you have created will show up in the left panel. 

All the folders in the left panel are sorted alphabetically. The number next to each folder name is the total number of cases in that folder and the number of cases in all of its sub-folders. 

Steps to Add Sub-Folder to a Parent  Folder

Step 1: To add a sub-folder to a parent folder, click on the vertical ellipsis button next to the folder name for which you want to create a sub-folder and select the New Folder option from the dropdown menu. 

Step 2: Once you click on the New Folder option, the Add New Folder modal window will appear on the screen. Enter the name of the sub-folder in the Folder name field. 

The Parent folder field is pre-populated with the name of the selected folder.

Step 3: Click on the Ok button.

Once you click on the Ok button, the sub-folder that you have created will show up under its parent folder. 

For further queries and suggestions, feel free to reach out to our customer support service via help@aiotests.com

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