
Checkout what you can do in AIO Tests based on your current role

Test Engineer

AIO Tests allows test engineers to manage the testing process with ease. From planning and creating test cases to executing and tracking test results, the test management tool helps test engineers streamline their workflow and gain insights from reports. It not only simplifies the testing process, but also allows engineers to organize and prioritize the execution of their test cases. 

  • Writing my first test case: AIO Tests lets test engineers create test cases with ease by following some simple steps. The test management tool allows you to create test cases using different methods, including traditional step-by-step method, BDD method as well as AI-generated method.

  1. Create Classic Cases: Creating classic test cases is a simple 4 step process. 

Step 1: To write a classic case, simply click on the Create option in the top bar menu of the AIO Tests and select Case from the drop-down list. 

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Step 2: Once you click on the Case option, the Create Case modal window will appear on the screen, where you need to enter all the required details into their respective fields, such as title, description, pre-condition, folder, etc. 


Step 3: Enter steps by clicking on the Add Steps button. In the classic case, you need to add steps along with data and expected results to the case. 

Step 4: Finally, click on the Save button.

  1. Create BDD Cases: Users can create BDD cases by following 4 simple steps.

Step 1: To write a BDD case, simply click on the Create option in the top bar menu of the AIO Tests and select Case from the drop-down list.

Step 2: Once you click on the Case option, the Create Case modal window will appear on the screen, where you need to enter all the required details into their respective fields, such as title, description, pre-condition, folder, and more. 

Step 3: Enter steps by clicking on the Add Steps button. In the BDD case, you need to add steps in the Gherkin language using keywords such as Given, When, And, Then, But, and *.

Step 4: Finally, click on the Save button.

  1. Create AI-generated Cases: AIO Tests lets you create test cases automatically by following 3 simple steps. 

Step 1: To create test cases with AI, all you need to do is click on the AI tab and select Jira requirement from either the User Story based or Text Based.

Step 2: Click on the Generate Cases button.

Step 3: Finally, click on the Create Case button.  

  • Executing my first test: AIO Tests lets test engineers execute their test cases effortlessly. Executing a test case is a 4 step process as explained below.

  1. Add a Case to Cycle: To add a Case to Cycle, all you need to do is right-click on a case in the Cases tab that you want to add to a cycle and hit the Add to Cycle button. Select the cycle where you want to add the case and click on the Add to Cycle button.

  1. Mark Status: Click on the status icon and select the status from the dropdown menu that you want to mark for your test case. 

  1. Add a Comment: To add a comment for the case that you added to the cycle, click on the comment icon, enter the comment, and hit the Post button.

  1. Create Bug: Click on the Defects icon to create the defect for the case that you have added to the cycle.

Test Lead

AIO Tests helps the test lead oversee the process of testing software before moving it to production. This test management tool also enables team leads to manage their team members. To help the test leads ensure software products meet quality standards and client requirements, the test management tool provides several key features that enable test leads to effectively manage testing activities, ensuring thorough testing coverage and high-quality software delivery. These features include the ability to review test cases, develop the execution strategy, assign tasks among team members, track progress, and report test results. 

  • Review Test Cases: The test management tool makes it easier for the test lead to review test cases by following simple process. 

To review a test case, open a case from the Cases tab by clicking on the case key.

Adding Comments: On the case details screen, scroll down and enter comments into the Comments field. To tag someone in the comment, enter @ and select the name from the dropdown list. Click on the Post button. 

Reviewing Steps 

Step 1: To review the steps, click on the Steps tab and hit the Edit button to make changes in the steps.

Step 2: Once you make the changes in the steps, click on the Save button. 

  • Developing the Execution Strategy: AIO Tests simplifies the test management process for test leads by letting them create and execute the Cycles. 

Step 1: To create a cycle, click on the Create option in the top bar menu and select Cycle from the drop-down list. Enter all the required details into their respective fields, such as title, objective, folder, etc. and click on the Create Cycle button.

Step 2: Once you create a cycle, open the cycle. Click on the vertical ellipsis button and select the Add existing cases button from the drop-down list. Select the appropriate filter to add cases to the cycle and hit the Save button. 

  • Assigning Tasks among Team Members: The test management tool lets you assign the test cases as well as test cases steps for execution to team members evenly, ensuring a balanced workload and efficient testing. 

Step 1: To assign test cases to team members, simply click on the Cycles tab and open the desired cycle by clicking on the Cycle key. 

Step 2: Click on the Cases tab. 

Step 3: Click on the vertical ellipsis button (⋮) located at the top right corner of the cycle cases page and hit the Bulk assign user button from the dropdown list. Tick the cases for which you want to assign the team member. Click on the Bulk button and select the Assign User option from the drop-down menu. Select the assigner from the drop-down list and hit on the Assign button. 

  • Reporting Test Results: On AIO Tests, the test lead can generate comprehensive reports that provide insights into the testing process, including test coverage, defects found, and overall test status.

Step 1: To report test results, open the cycle for which you want to generate reports by simply clicking on the Cycle key. Click on the Reports icon at the top right corner of the cycle execution detail page and select the desired option from the drop-down list for which you want to view the report.

  • Setting Email Schedule: To set an email schedule for the generated report, save the report by clicking on the Save button. Once you save the report, click on the Subscribe button and enter the recipient name to whom you want to send the report and the time/date at which you want to schedule the email. Finally, click on the Save button. 

  • Tracking Project Progress: AIO Tests offers various gadgets that provide real-time insights into testing progress. With the help of the gadgets, test leads can track the progress of test cycles, identify bottlenecks, and take proactive measures to keep testing on track. 

Step 1: To track progress of a project, create a new dashboard in the Jira by clicking on the Dashboard option in Jira’s top bar menu and selecting the Create Dashboard option from the drop-down menu. Enter the required details into their respective fields and click on the Save button.

Step 2: On the right-side panel, enter the AIO Tests into the Add a Gadget field to get the list of all the available AIO Tests gadgets.

Step 3: Select the desired gadget that you want to add from the available list by clicking on the Add button. 

Step 4: Enter all the required details into their respective fields and click on the Save button. 

Test Manager

AIO Tests lets the test manager oversee the software testing with ease. From planning and coordinating to controlling various test activities, the test management tool helps test managers in ensuring the quality and efficiency of the testing process. On AIO Tests, test managers can easily check whether the new systems or applications are functioning properly. 

  • Tracking Project Progress: AIO Tests provides various gadgets that help test managers track the progress of testing projects in real-time. The visual representations of data can help you identify bottlenecks or delays in the testing process.

Step 1: On the Dashboard, users can search for the desired gadgets on the right-side panel by entering the name into the search box. 

AIO Tests provides these gadgets:

  • Automation Burndown

  • Automation Coverage

  • Defect Summary

  • Execution Burndown

  • Execution Distribution

  • Execution Overview

  • Project Activity

  • Project Activity Advanced

  • Project Overview

  • Project Top Contributors

  • Traceability Detail

  • Traceability Summary

  • User Activity

Step 2: Select the desired gadget that you want to add from the available list by clicking on the Add button. 

Step 3: Enter all the required details in the respective fields and click on the Save button.

  • Monitoring Releases: On AIO Tests, test managers can easily monitor the progress of software releases. They can track the status of testing for each release, identify any issues that may impact the release schedule, and make informed decisions to ensure timely releases.

Step 1: To monitor releases, all you need to do is click on the desired Cycle key in the Cycles tab.

Step 2: Click on the Reports icon located at the top right corner of the cycle execution detail page and select the desired type of report (Execution Summary, Execution Details, Execution History, and Execution Burndown) that you want to generate from the drop-down menu.

  • Root Cause Analysis: AIO Tests enables test managers to conduct root cause analysis for any issue encountered during testing. By analyzing the root cause of defects, test managers can identify the underlying causes of problems and take corrective actions to prevent them from recurring.

  1. Defect Impact: The defect impact report of AIO Tests allows test managers to view the impact of defects on cases and requirements. 

Step 1: To conduct root cause analysis, click on the Reports tab and go to the Chevron option for Defect Impact.

Step 2: Enter the required details into the respective field and click on the Generate button.

  1. Defect Trend: Defect Trend Report offered by AIO Tests helps test managers find defects in a project and shows them in its report according to the development status they have reached (e.g. to do, in progress, done, etc.).

Step 1: To conduct root cause analysis, click on the Reports tab and go to the Chevron option for Defect Trend.

Step 2: Enter the required details into their respective field and click on the Generate button.

  • Project Setup: AIO Tests allows test managers to set operation-level permissions with the click of a button. On the test management tool, test managers can customize the AIO Tests app to suit their own process and personalize the app based on how their organization works. 

Step 1: To setup project-level settings, all you need to do is click on the Gear icon and select the Project Settings option from the drop-down menu.

Step 2: Click on the desired option in the sidebar menu for which you want to manage permissions. 

  • Reporting to Clients: AIO Tests enables test managers to generate and share reports with clients easily. With the help of this test management tool, test managers can subscribe clients to specific reports, ensuring that they receive timely updates on the progress of testing projects.

Step 1: Click on the Chevron icon for the report that you want to generate in the Reports tab.

Step 2: Enter the required details into their respective fields and click on the Save button. Enter the name of the saved report into the Provide name for the report field and click on the Save button. 

Step 3: Click on the Subscribe button and enter the recipient name in the Recipients field from the drop-down list. Set the date and time at which you want to send the report to the client and click on the Save button. 

Jira Admin/Project Admin

AIO Tests allows Jira and Project admins valuable tools to install and configure the test management tool with ease. It lets the admins control permissions, customize workflows, and more. These controls ensure that only authorized users can perform critical testing tasks of the project on the test management tool. 

  • Installing and Enabling AIO Tests for Various Projects: The test management tool lets Jira and Project admins track and monitor a set of testing activities and streamline the entire QA Testing process to facilitate the efficient identification and resolution of bugs and issues. 

Installing AIO Tests

Step 1: To install AIO Tests, open your web browser and go to . Click on the “Try it free” button to start the free trial.

Step 2: Select the desired project from the Projects drop-down list and click on Enable to start using AIO Tests for the selected project.

Enabling AIO Tests 

Step 1: To enable AIO Tests, click on the Projects option in Jira’s top bar menu and select the View all Projects option from the drop-down menu. Select the desired project in the Jira instance.

Step 2: Click on the AIO Tests option in the sidebar menu.

Step 3: Click on the Enable button to start using the AIO Tests app for the selected project. 

  • Managing Permissions: AIO Tests enable Jira and project admins to manage test management tool permissions effortlessly. With these features, admins can provide access or restrict team members' use of specific functionality of the test management tool. This not only helps maintain security, but also controls testing processes within an organization. 

  1. Admin Actions: AIO Tests allows admins to setup access regarding who can see AIO Tests as an app in Jira.

  • Group-Based Access to AIO Tests 

Step 1: To create group-based access to AIO Tests, click on the Apps option in the top bar menu and select Manage your apps.

Step 2: Click on the Access option in the sidebar menu and enter the group name to whom you want to provide access to the AIO Tests App into the Selected Groups field. 

Step 3: Finally, click on the Save button.

  • Controlling Access for Non-Admin Users

Step 1: To control access to the AIO Tests for non-admin users, all you need to do is click on the Apps option in the top bar menu and select the Manage your apps option from the drop-down menu.

Step 2: Click on the Settings option in the sidebar menu.

Step 3: On the Settings page, you can uncheck the box against a project for which non-admin users should not be allowed to enable AIO Tests and can create their own Open AI API Key to use additional tokens once AIO provided tokens are over.

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