Case Types

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Case Types

Case Types used while creating cases can be customized in AIO Tests. This article covers the operations available for customizing Case Types.

Case Types configuration page can be accessed by accessing the Project settings page and then clicking Case Types from the left menu as shown below.


Add Case Types

Project & Jira Admins (and any assigned AIO Admins) have the ability to add new Types as per their organization’s use by clicking Add through the Case Types page.


Edit Case Types

Existing Case types can be updated by using the highlighted ‘pencil’ icon in the image below. The type becomes editable in the pop-up and changes can be saved by clicking on Save.

Reorder Case Types

The order in which the Case types appear in the drop-down of the Create and Edit Case pages can be updated by clicking Reorder through the Project Settings page.


Draggable icons appear on the left of all the available types and Admins can drag them for desired order and then click Save as highlighted.

Archive Case Types

If there are types that are not needed for a particular project but history needs to be maintained for cases belonging to that type, AIO Tests offers the ability to archive such case types.

Admins can archive case types by clicking the archive button highlighted below in the Case Types section.

  • Archived Types don’t show up in Type drop-down of Create and Edit Case pages

  • Archived Types appear in the right box (visible by everyone). Available actions on archived types are - Unarchive and Delete

    • Unarchive will take the Type back to available case types and it will start showing up again the Type drop-downs

    • Delete will delete the type. Deletion details are explained in the Deletion section below


Cases with Archive types continue to show the Archived type in the case details. But in History tab, users can see that the type has been archived. An example is shown below.


If a user tries to use the type that has been archived while creating or editing a case (e.g. they have not yet refreshed their session and can still see the type that has been archived), they will see the below error message


Delete Case Types

Case Types can be deleted if they are no longer in use or if the default types provided by AIO Tests are not applicable for the project or organization.

Admins can delete case types by clicking the delete button highlighted below in the Case Types section. A pop-up is shown asking the Admins to select a replacement type for cases that have the type being deleted.

Deleted case types cannot be recovered. This is an irreversible operation.


  • Deleted Types don’t show up in Type drop-down of Create and Edit Case pages

  • Deleted Types appear in the right box as shown below for some time (while deletion is in progress: replacing cases with new type)

    • If types have been archived too, then the ‘Marked for Deletion’ box appears below the ‘Archived Case Types' box

    • The ‘Marked for Deletion’ box disappears once the replacement of cases with new type has been completed by the system


Cases with Deleted types will show the replacement type in the case details after replacement is over. In the History tab, users can see that the type has been deleted. An example is shown below.

If a user tries to use the type that has been deleted while creating or editing a case (e.g. they have not yet refreshed their session and can still see the type that has been deleted), they will see the below error message


Also, while deletion is in progress and the Admin tries to archive or delete the replacement type, they will see the below error message.



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