Case Statuses

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Case Statuses

Each organization can use different ways of tracking the status of a case. By default, AIO Tests comes with 4 case statuses - Draft, Under Review, Published and Deprecated.

Users can customize the case status to suit their organization’s process. This article covers rules governing the case statuses and ways to customize them.

Only Jira/Project admins or designated AIO Admins can take actions on this page. For other users, the page will be shown in a read-only manner.

Accessing Case Statuses

Cases Statuses can be found under Project Settings as shown below. Each project can have its own set of case statuses, if required.


Understanding the Three (3) Options

There are 3 options while creating/editing/deleting a case status. Let’s understand what they mean before going into available actions on the Case Statuses page.

  1. Case viewable by Owner only: If users wish to keep cases from being visible to all team members except the owner of the case, then they can use this option. Cases in this status then cannot be available for adding to cycles, sets. Also, they cannot be added as linked steps in other cases and thus will not be searchable while linking cases.

  2. Case eligible for Cycle and Set addition: A status can be created with this option and then cases in this status are the only cases that can be added to a set and a cycle. They will be visible to all users but cannot be added as linked steps in other cases.

  3. Case eligible for Linked Step: Users can have a case status which is visible to everyone in the team but can only be added as a linked step. They will not be available for adding to a set or a cycle.

Some rules to follow while creating/editing case statuses

  1. There should be at least one status which makes a case eligible for addition to Cycle & Set and as a linked step

  2. A higher visibility status like being eligible for cycle/set addition or being eligible for linked step (like Published/Under Review) cannot be edited and moved to a lower visibility status of being only visible to Owner (like Draft) if the cases belonging to such a status has associations with case/set/cycle

  3. A higher visibility status like being eligible for cycle/set addition or being eligible for linked step (like Published/Under Review) can be edited and moved to a lower visibility status of being only visible to Owner (like Draft) if the cases belonging to such a status doesn’t have any associations with case/set/cycle

  4. A status with no checkboxes checked (means cases of this status are visible to all but cannot be added to set/cycle/used as linked step) cannot be moved to “case viewable by owner only”


Adding a New Status

To add a new case status, click on Add as shown below.

  • By default, the new status will be set so that the case is eligible for addition in cycle/set and is also eligible to be linked as a step in another case

  • Users can modify this behavior to suit their organization’s needs

  • A new status cannot have a name that already exists

Note: If the new status is set to “Case viewable by Owner only”, then it will automatically be not eligible for other two actions. To set a status so that the case is only viewable by Owner (same as Draft today), click on the first checkbox while creating a new status.


Reordering Case Statuses

The order in which the statuses appear here is the order in which they show in the Status drop-downs in the rest of the app. Users can change the order by clicking on Reorder as shown below. The handle appears next to each status, so that users can drag and drop for the desired order. Click Done to review the final order.



Editing Case Statuses

Users can edit the existing case statuses by clicking on the pencil icon as shown below and perform necessary actions. Click on Save to confirm changes. Users can

  • rename statuses

  • update existing behavior by using the toggles (as long as the rules are followed)

  • for example, if users wish that cases in draft status should also be available for linking as steps, users can toggle the “Eligible for Linked Step”.

Deleting Case Statuses

Users need to specify an alternative case status while deleting any of the existing statuses as case status is a mandatory field. To delete a case status click on the delete icon next to the status.


Deletion of a status is done via a batch job that runs every 5 minutes and moves cases from the deleted status to the specified alternative status. While the status is marked for deletion, users cannot delete the specified alternative status.


Users cannot delete a status, if it means there will be no status for adding cases to cycle/set/use as a linked step. An error will be displayed as shown below.



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