Creating a Cycle
AIO Tests allows you to manage and keep track of the results of groups of test cases that should be executed together for a certain objective. By creating cycles of test cases on AIO Tests, you can not only monitor cycle testing results effortlessly, but can also streamline testing processes.
In this documentation, you’ll understand:
Factors to Consider When Creating a Cycle
In AIO Tests, users can manage the results of test cases of different releases. It not only provides an organized way of managing the results of cycle testing, but also helps you find out whether the new features work well with old ones. Here are some of the guidelines that you should consider when creating a cycle in AIO Tests.
Appropriate title: When it comes to creating a cycle, make sure you check whether you have given the correct and relevant name to the Cycle in the title.
Choose tags wisely: One of the major factors that need to be considered while creating a cycle is to make sure you create or choose appropriate tags for the cycle as it helps in the searchability of cycles.
Review the cycle: Another major factor that you need to consider when creating a cycle is making sure you have added the appropriate test cases for different scenarios and releases.
Steps to Create a Cycle
Step 1: To create a cycle, simply click on the Create option in the top bar menu and select Cycle from the drop-down list.
Step 2: Once you click on the Cycle option, the Create Cycle modal window will appear on the screen where you need to enter the below details under the Details tab.
Title: It is a mandatory field where the user needs to give a relevant name to the Cycle.
Objective: In this field, the user needs to enter the motive/reason to create the Cycle.
Folder: Cycles can be organized in Folders, just like Cases.
If the user clicks ‘Create Cycle’ from the “All Cycles” listing, it will be pre-populated with “Not Assigned”. However, if the user clicks “Create Cycle” from within a folder then it will be pre-populated with the selected folder’s name. The cycle will then be created in the selected folder.
Owner: The user can select the name of the person who is responsible for getting this Cycle executed.
The owner could be anyone in the team. It is not necessary that the owner should be the person who created the Cycle.
Component: With AIO Tests, Components that were created in Jira project, become available while creating a Cycle. This feature helps to categorize and organize Cycles.
Release: With AIO Tests, Releases that were created in Jira project, become available while creating a Cycle. This feature offers flexibility to the user.
Start Date and End Date: It gives the user the privilege to enter the start and end date of the testing process. You can also remove the Start and End Date individually. The system doesn’t allow the selection of the start date after the end date if the end date is already specified and if the start date has been assigned, a user can’t select an end date before the start date.
Tags: Tags are keywords that let you classify your Cycle in a more flexible and informal manner. They help you in searching.
Users can associate multiple tags with a Cycle. To create a new tag, the user just needs to enter the tag name in the field and press enter once done
Jira Tasks: Cycles can be linked with Jira issues that can track the work being done in a cycle.
Attachments: Any Cycle-level attachments like reports or documents to be used for testing can be uploaded here.
Users also need to enter details in Custom Fields, if any.
Users can create the Cycle and add Cases later by clicking on the “Create Cycle” button.
Step 3: Click on the Add Cases option at the top right corner of the Create Cycle modal window.
Step 4: On the Cases tab, select cases that you want to add to that particular Cycle from a list of published cases of the current as well as any other project you have access to.
Users can search for Cases with the Case title or key via the search box. However, users can also use filters like Key, Owner, Priority, Folder, Release, etc. to get a specific list quickly. Users also have the option to add more filter options.
Users can change the project using the project selector drop-down to add cases of other projects.
By default, the list only shows cases in Published status. The cases in Draft, Under Review and Deprecated statuses cannot be added to a Cycle. If the user looking for a specific case, then by turning on “Show Non-eligible cases also”, they can view all cases.
If Sets are defined for Cycle executions, Cases belonging to Sets can be added by using the Sets filter. Users can select multiple Sets.
Users also have the option to select the version of the case that they want to add to a Cycle by clicking on the version drop-down and ticking the check box for it.
Step 5: Click on the Assign Users button to assign testers to the added cases.
Users can click on the Save button if they don’t want to assign users to cases at the time of creating Cycles.
Users have the option to click on the “Details” tab to go back and update the initial screen data.
Step 6: On the Assignee page, select the desired cases that you want to assign to a particular user and bulk assignment can be done for the selected cases. Users can click on Go to Executions option to start executing the cycle.
If all cases have to be assigned to the same person, the top checkbox can be clicked and bulk assignment can be done. The assignments can happen later too from the cycle details page.
Users can save the details by clicking on the Save button.
Users have the option to go back and add more cases by clicking the ‘Cases’ tab or edit initial details by clicking the ‘Details’ tab.
Once you click the Go to Executions option, you will be navigated to the Cycle Details screen.
For further queries and suggestions, please feel free to reach out to our customer support service via