Run Distribution Report

Run Distribution Report

This report allows you to analyze the Cycles data based on multiple criteria including any custom fields defined at the run-level. This report can also be helpful to see the data for all the runs in a cycle. You can generate the report based on different parameters including Case level, Cycle level and Run level fields. 

In this documentation, you’ll understand:

Steps to Generate Run Distribution Report

Step 1: To generate a run distribution report, simply click on the Chevron option for Run Distribution.

Group 1 (73).png

Step 2: Once you click on the chevron icon, the Run Distribution Report input window will be displayed on the screen. Click on the Cycles field and select the cycles from the drop-down list.

  • Users can also use the filter option to narrow down the Cycles list. They can filter the list by Component, Release, Tags, Folders or any other cycle-level field. 

  • Users can choose more than one Cycle from the drop-down list.

  • Users also have the option to specify a dynamic filter for cycles by changing ‘List’ to ‘Filter’.

Step 3: Click on the Primary Group By field and select the desired option from the drop-down list. 

  • Users can also select a secondary grouping from the Secondary Group By field. It is an optional field.

  • Users can also select Aggregator from the given options- Count, Presence, and Efforts. By default, the Count is selected. 

The below table shows the options available for Primary and Secondary Group By.


Available in Primary Group By

Available in Secondary Group By

Project (Case)

Key (Case)

Folder (Case)

Case Owner (Case)

Case Status (Case)

Priority (Case)

Case Type (Case)

Step Type (Case)

Component (Case)

Release (Case)

Tag (Case)

Created Date (Case)

Automation Status (Case)

Automation Owner (Case)

Requirement (Case)

Datasets (Case)

Single Select (Case)

Service (Case)

SG (Case)

Key (Cycle)

Folder (Cycle)

Cycle Owner (Cycle)

Component (Cycle)

Release (Cycle)

Tag (Cycle) 

Start Date (Cycle)

End Date (Cycle)

Tasks (Cycle)

Created Date (Cycle)

Closed (Cycle)

User Assignment (Run)

Assignment Date (Run)

Executed By (Run)

Run Status (Run)

Execution Mode (Run)

Created Date (Run)

Defects (Run)

The below table shows the options available for Aggregator.




Shows the number of Cases in the grouping bucket


Shows if there is at least one Case in the grouping bucket


Shows the total Estimated Effort for all the Cases in the grouping bucket

Step 4: Click on the Generate button.

Users can also save reports to reuse them later by clicking on the Save button.

Once you click on the Generate button, the report output will be displayed on the screen. 

For further queries and suggestions, feel free to reach out to our customer support via help@aiotests.com.