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Bulk Actions on Cases

AIO Tests offers actions that can be taken on multiple cases at the same time - Bulk Actions.

For editing case details, moving, deleting cases and for creating cycle or adding to a cycle, exporting cases; users can enable bulk mode by clicking the pencil icon as shown below.

Please note once Bulk mode is enabled, user can only select multiple cases. The click of the row will not open the quick panel of the case. Also the key will not be a link to take to Case Details page. The bulk mode will need to be canceled out to re-enable the quick panel and key link

Select the Cases on which bulk actions have to be performed. Clicking on Bulk button will give you all five actions- Edit, Move To, Copy, Delete, Create and Add to Cycle, Create and Add to Set, Export Cases, Export to Feature File and Cancel.

Clicking “Cancel” will take you back to the normal Cases listing.


Each section is discussed in detail in separate articles listed at the end. A quick summary on each action is given below

  • Edit Case Details - allows for bulk editing of preconditions, type, priority, status, etc. Title is not an option in the Bulk edit window

  • Move Cases - allows for bulk move of cases from one folder to another

  • Copy Cases - allows for bulk copy of cases within the same project

  • Delete Cases - allows for bulk delete of cases. Cases referenced in other cases, sets or cycles cannot be deleted unless all references have been removed

  • Create Cycle - allows for creation of a cycle for the selected cases

  • Add to Cycle - allows for adding selected cases to an existing cycle

  • Create Set - allows for creation of a set for the selected cases

  • Add to Set - allows for adding selected cases to an existing set

  • Export Cases - allows exporting selected cases to Excel, CSV or PDF

  • Export to Feature File - allows exporting selected cases into Feature files organized by Folder, Requirement, Tag or no grouping

Click on the links below for details around each action.