Release Notes
New features, enhancements and minor bug fixes are listed below for each release done so far for AIO Tests.
26th October, 2024 → Cloud: v4.7.4
New Features
Project Role Based Access: Users now have the option to set the permissions using project roles.
Settings users per project: Ability to restrict user selection to the users added to the current project.
Public APIs - New Public APIs Bulk update fields of test runs and Batch job for Bulk Update Fields of Test runs added.
AI enhancements: Users can now choose output language in which cases should be generated via AI.
Reports enhancements: Users can now create dynamic filters for Cases (same like cycles). Impacted reports - Case distribution, automation coverage and automation burndown.
Releases and Components fields are now multiselect allowing users to select more than 1 value.
Customizable Actual result - Users can set the verbiage for default actual results text.
Minor Bug Fixes
Exact Jira issue key to show on top in the list while linking Jira requirements.
14th September, 2024 → Cloud: v4.7.3
New Features
Execution Planning:
Users can now create/edit/review Cycle execution plan for planning their execution progress and track it.
Burndown report enhanced to show planned execution graph and data to compare planned pending execution vs actual completed execution.
New report Execution Burnup introduced to compare planned completed execution vs actual completed execution.
Cross Project Support in Multicycle Execution Summary report/gadget: Will now allow selecting cycles from multiple different projects in the input.
Cross project support in Automation Coverage report/gadget: Will now allow selection and distribution of cases using cases/sets/cycles from multiple projects.
AI enhancements:
Users will now be able to setup their own Al token limit which will be used once AlO allotted token limit is exhausted.
Requirement input enhanced to also take Epic/Feature type issues and their child issues as input for cases generation.
Ability to include additional fields for requirement input.
Reports enhancements:
Traceability Summary and Detail Reports enhanced to include Jira fields.
Traceability summary report now supports Sorting for grid fields.
Cases filters enhanced in Case Distribution/Automation coverage/Automation Burndown reports for better experience.
Traceability Summary and Detail/Case Distribution/Automation coverage/Automation Burndown/Defect Impact reports enhanced to have an option to exclude archived cases.
Project Activity report enhanced to include archived cases.
Minor Bug Fixes
Jira panel fixes.
Import batch job errors fixed.
3rd September, 2024 → Data Center: v4.7.2.0
New Features
Import Cases: Mandatory field validations will be done now while importing cases from Excel/CSV.
New APIs:
Get Sets API has been added to get the list of Sets in the system.
Search Sets API has been added to get Set list filtered as per the provided search criteria.
Get Cases associated with Set API has been added to get list of Cases associated with a Set.
Update an existing Case API has been added for updating existing case details along with its steps and datasets.
Import Cases from feature file API has been added for importing cases from feature files which also includes mandatory case fields validations.
Get Predefined Parameters API has been added to get the list of predefined parameters in a project.
Import Cases: Mandatory field validations will be done now while importing cases from Excel/CSV.
Create/Update BDD/Gherkin cases from scenarios: Users now have an option to Create/Update BDD/Gherkin cases by pasting scenarios.
Cross Project Support in Traceability Summary and Detail reports/gadgets: Both these reports and gadgets now allow selecting cycles from multiple different projects in the input.
Import Feature files: Mandatory field validations will be done now while importing cases from feature files.
Remove unused BDD steps: BDD/Gherkin steps not linked to any case will now be removed from system via scheduled batch job.
Sorting in Jira panel: Users will now be able to apply sort on Cases tab fields in Jira panel.
Export of Feature files will now include Folder tags as well to specify the folder of cases getting exported.
Import Feature files enhancements:
Users will now have the option to update optional fields as well in addition to mandatory fields.
Users will now be able to add/update folder for cases getting imported.
Users will now need to provide mandatory fields values only if they choose to update existing fields.
Email notifications will be sent for user fields mapped while import.
AI enhancements:
Option to select default folder for generated cases.
Ability for the users to specify the types of testcases they want to get generated.
Character limit for Text based requirements increased to 15000.
OpenAI model upgrade to "gpt-4o-mini" for better performance.
New countries added to OpenAI APIs whitelist.
Automation Coverage Report / Gadget: Case Date fields added in grouping list in input.
Copy Cycle: Users will now have the option to Copy Latest Runs and all their data while copying a cycle.
Copy/Move Runs: Users now have the option to Copy Latest Runs/Move all runs from one cycle to another.
Timer enhancements:
Timer stop dialog will be prompted when the run status changes to a final status.
Timer data will be included and prompted when the run status changes to a status having actual effort mandatory.
Marking a Step as ‘Works as Expected’ will now mark status of corresponding step as Passed.
Create a new Cycle from existing Sets API has been enhanced to accept multiple Sets as input.
Create Case API has been enhanced to allow creation of steps and datasets.
Performance enhancements for Robot.
PDF export of Cycle run data will now also include step level comments.
Drill-down Capabilities added in Reports/Gadgets:
User Activity and Project Activity Reports/gadgets: All columns in the grid will be now links to show drilldown of data.
Automation coverage and Automation burndown reports: Drilldown capability has been added to Effort cards and columns in the grid.
18th August, 2024 → Cloud: v4.7.2
New Features
New APIs:
Get Sets API has been added to get the list of Sets in the system.
Search Sets API has been added to get Set list filtered as per the provided search criteria.
Get Cases associated with Set API has been added to get list of Cases associated with a Set.
Import Cases: Mandatory field validations will be done now while importing cases from Excel/CSV.
Export of Feature files will now include Folder tags as well to specify the folder of cases getting exported.
Import Feature files enhancements:
Users will now have the option to update optional fields as well in addition to mandatory fields.
Users will now be able to add/update folder for cases getting imported.
Users will now need to provide mandatory fields values only if they choose to update existing fields.
Email notifications will be sent for user fields mapped while import.
AI enhancements:
Option to select default folder for generated cases.
Ability for the users to specify the types of testcases they want to get generated.
Character limit for Text based requirements increased to 15000.
OpenAI model upgrade to "gpt-4o-mini" for better performance.
New countries added to OpenAI APIs whitelist.
Automation Coverage Report / Gadget: Case Date fields added in grouping list in input.
Copy Cycle: Users will now have the option to Copy Latest Runs and all their data while copying a cycle.
Copy/Move Runs: Users now have the option to Copy Latest Runs/Move all runs from one cycle to another.
Timer enhancements:
Timer stop dialog will be prompted when the run status changes to a final status.
Timer data will be included and prompted when the run status changes to a status having actual effort mandatory.
Marking a Step as ‘Works as Expected’ will now mark status of corresponding step as Passed.
Create a new Cycle from existing Sets API has been enhanced to accept multiple Sets as input.
Performance enhancements for Robot.
21st July, 2024 → Data Center: v4.7.0.0
New Features
Test case versioning: Users can now create, maintain and work with multiple versions of a test case.
Multiple Gherkin Languages support: AIO now supports Gherkin keywords from all 70 languages that Gherkin has support for.
Import Linked cases: Users will now be able to link external as well as existing AIO cases in steps while importing cases via excel/csv.
Pin Tabs: Users will now be able to pin the tab they are working on so that post refresh they land on the pinned tab.
Import users while importing cases: Users can now map and import Owner, Automation Owner and User custom fields while importing cases via excel/csv.
Bulk Edit steps: Users can now edit automation key using bulk edit steps.
AI Assistant for generating cases is now capable of generating output in the language in which stories are written.
Attachments files now also support .log, .msg, .eml and .pem extension files.
New filters and Column selectors have been added for Case Created and Version Created date.
Traceability summary report has been enhanced to also show Requirement Summary, Type, Status & Priority in Excel as well as PDF reports.
Multi Cycle Distribution Report & Gadget - Date fields are also available now as grouping option in the Distribution.
Defect Grid filters: Execution Summary Reports and Defect Summary gadget now support filters for the defects grid.
Case progress bar: Look and feel of Case progress bar on Cycles listing and Jira panel has been enhanced for better experience.
Add Cases button added on Execution tab of Cycles and Cases tab of Sets
Robot Framework results parser now supports reports generated from Rebot.
13th July, 2024 → Cloud: V4.7.1
New Features
Create/Update BDD/Gherkin cases from scenarios: Users now have an option to Create/Update BDD/Gherkin cases by pasting scenarios.
Cross Project Support in Traceability Summary and Detail reports/gadgets: Both these reports and gadgets now allow selecting cycles from multiple different projects in the input.
Import Feature files: Mandatory field validations will be done now while importing cases from feature files.
New APIs:
Update an existing Case API has been added for updating existing case details along with its steps and datasets.
Import Cases from feature file API has been added for importing cases from feature files which also includes mandatory case fields validations.
Get Predefined Parameters API has been added to get the list of predefined parameters in a project.
Remove unused BDD steps: BDD/Gherkin steps not linked to any case will now be removed from system via scheduled batch job.
Sorting in Jira panel: Users will now be able to apply sort on Cases tab fields in Jira panel.
PDF export of Cycle run data will now also include step level comments.
Drill-down Capabilities added in Reports/Gadgets:
User Activity and Project Activity Reports/gadgets: All columns in the grid will be now links to show drilldown of data.
Automation coverage and Automation burndown reports: Drilldown capability has been added to Effort cards and columns in the grid.
New filters and Column selectors have been added for Case Created and Version Created date
Attachments files formats now also support .pem extension files.
Create Case API has been enhanced to allow creation of steps and datasets.
15th June, 2024 → Cloud: V4.7
New Features
Test case versioning: Users can now create, maintain and work with multiple versions of a test case.
Attachments files now also support .log, .msg and .eml extension files.
Traceability summary report has been enhanced to also show Requirement Summary, Type, Status & Priority in Excel as well as PDF reports.
19th May, 2024 → Cloud: V4.6.3
AI Assistant for generating cases is now capable of generating output in the language in which stories are written
Add Cases button added on Execution tab of Cycles and Cases tab of Sets
AIO Tests Status page link has been added within the app under the Support options
14th April, 2024 → Cloud: V4.6.2
New Features
Multiple Gherkin Languages support: AIO now supports Gherkin keywords from all 70 languages that Gherkin has support for.
Import Linked cases: Users will now be able to link external as well as existing AIO cases in steps while importing cases via excel/csv.
Storage Manager: Users will now be able to review and cleanup old attachments in their projects.
Pin Tabs: Users will now be able to pin the tab they are working on so that post refresh they land on the pinned tab.
Import users while importing cases: Users can now map and import Owner, Automation Owner and User custom fields while importing cases via excel/csv.
Bulk Edit steps: Users can now edit automation key using bulk edit steps.
Multi Cycle Distribution Report & Gadget - Date fields are also available now as grouping option in the Distribution.
Defect Grid filters: Execution Summary Reports and Defect Summary gadget now support filters for the defects grid.
Case progress bar: Look and feel of Case progress bar on Cycles listing and Jira panel has been enhanced for better experience.
Robot Framework results parser now supports reports generated from Rebot.
15th June, 2024 → Data Center: v4.6.2.0
Checkout this video to get a glimpse of key features in this release →
New Features
Predefined Project level Parameters: Users can now create Parameters for datasets at project level and re-use them across cases.
Customizable Automation Statuses: Ability to create customized Automation statuses for a project has been added
Defect Trend Report: This new report will help users see the the created vs resolved defects for selected cycles and the trend of unresolved defects along the selected time period
Defects Tab on Jira Panel: For increased visibility of story’s traceability, a new tab “Defects” has been added to AIO Tests panel in Jira.
Draft Case visibility for Admins: Jira Admins, Project Admins and AIO Admins will now have the option to view draft cases of other users
Latest Run deletion ability: Users can now delete the latest run if there are more than one runs present on the test case in a cycle.
Auto-save actual results: Actual results will auto-save if users click outside of the box for any action
Populate actual results with pre-defined text: A new icon has been introduced which will help fill the actual results with a pre-defined text of “Works as expected”
Set/Cycle Updated date: The "Updated" date of Sets and Cycles will be updated with addition and removal of cases
PDF export of Cases full Title display: Title will be fully displayed in the Index page of PDF export
Bulk unassign users in Cycles: Bulk un-assign of users is now possible by leaving the bulk assign users input blank
Re-indexing updates in History tab: If re-indexing is done, History tab will show the key change
Show issues in navigator for Reports: Users looking to do analysis on defects can use this option added to Single and Multi-cycle Summary reports and Defect Trend report to view the issues in Jira
16th Mar, 2024 → Cloud: V4.6.1
Checkout this video to get a glimpse of key features in this release →
New Features
Predefined Project level Parameters: Users can now create Parameters for datasets at project level and re-use them across cases.
Customizable Automation Statuses: Ability to create customized Automation statuses for a project has been added
Defect Trend Report: This new report will help users see the the created vs resolved defects for selected cycles and the trend of unresolved defects along the selected time period
Defects Tab on Jira Panel: For increased visibility of story’s traceability, a new tab “Defects” has been added to AIO Tests panel in Jira.
Draft Case visibility for Admins: Jira Admins, Project Admins and AIO Admins will now have the option to view draft cases of other users
Latest Run deletion ability: Users can now delete the latest run if there are more than one runs present on the test case in a cycle.
Auto-save actual results: Actual results will auto-save if users click outside of the box for any action
Populate actual results with pre-defined text: A new icon has been introduced which will help fill the actual results with a pre-defined text of “Works as expected”
Set/Cycle Updated date: The "Updated" date of Sets and Cycles will be updated with addition and removal of cases
PDF export of Cases full Title display: Title will be fully displayed in the Index page of PDF export
Bulk unassign users in Cycles: Bulk un-assign of users is now possible by leaving the bulk assign users input blank
Re-indexing updates in History tab: If re-indexing is done, History tab will show the key change
Show issues in navigator for Reports: Users looking to do analysis on defects can use this option added to Single and Multi-cycle Summary reports and Defect Trend report to view the issues in Jira
25th Feb, 2024 → Data Center: V4.6.0.0
Checkout this video to get a glimpse of key features in this release
New Features
New Report: Multi Cycle Execution Comparison report added to compare execution results across Cycles.
Email subscription for reports: Users can now subscribe and receive their saved reports via email at a set schedule (Daily/Monthly etc.).
AI Assistant - BETA: AI integration with AIO Tests has been introduced which will enable users to generate sample test cases with help of AI.
Show percentages in reports:
Percentage values will be shown now along with the count for all the Run status columns in the grid for Multi Cycle Execution Summary and Multi Cycle Execution Distribution reports.
Pending %age column added to Execution burndown report to show percentage of pending cases.
Note: Percentage value will only be shown for non-zero values.
Performance enhancements: Multi Cycle Execution Summary and Multi Cycle Execution Detail Reports have been enhanced for better performance.
Archived indicators in Reports/Gadgets - Reports/gadgets will now also show indicator for Archived Cases and Cycles.
Robot 7.0 is supported now for importing automation results using Robot framework.
Users will now be able to specify/update Folder for cases creation while importing automation results.
Dataset parameter values limit for 255 characters removed.
Cycle Execution enhancements:
Full screen view option added for a better experience while working on Cycle Execution.
Comments and attachments icons added at Case level to show all Comments/attachments attached to the case.
Performance enhancements for Run status updates.
Minor Bug FixesMibor
Automatic assignment of cases to happen only for Unassigned cases.
3rd Feb, 2024 → Cloud: v4.6
Checkout this video to get a glimpse of key features in this release
New Features
New Report: Multi Cycle Execution Comparison report added to compare execution results across Cycles.
Email subscription for reports: Users can now subscribe and receive their saved reports via email at a set schedule (Daily/Monthly etc.).
Show percentages in reports:
Percentage values will be shown now along with the count for all the Run status columns in the grid for Multi Cycle Execution Summary and Multi Cycle Execution Distribution reports.
Pending %age column added to Execution burndown report to show percentage of pending cases.
Note: Percentage value will only be shown for non-zero values.
Performance enhancements: Multi Cycle Execution Summary and Multi Cycle Execution Detail Reports have been enhanced for better performance.
Archived indicators in Reports/Gadgets - Reports/gadgets will now also show indicator for Archived Cases and Cycles.
Robot 7.0 is supported now for importing automation results using Robot framework.
Users will now be able to specify/update Folder for cases creation while importing automation results.
Dataset parameter values limit for 255 characters removed.
Cycle Execution enhancements:
Full screen view option added for a better experience while working on Cycle Execution.
Comments and attachments icons added at Case level to show all Comments/attachments attached to the case.
Performance enhancements for Run status updates.
Minor Bug Fixes
Automatic assignment of cases to happen only for Unassigned cases.
17th January, 2024 → Server: v4.5.0 & Data Center: v4.5.0.0
New Features
Run Step assignments: Users will now be able to assign users at step level.
Note: Run step assignments can be controlled at Project level and Case level.
Import automation results using Robot Framework is also supported now.
New API has been introduced for importing automation results as a batch process.
Folder Permissions: New Project Level Permissions added for Folders Creation/Renaming/Move/Deletion.
New APIs:
Update Cycle State API has been added for updating a cycle as Closed or Locked.
Update an Existing Cycle API has been added for updating details of an existing cycle.
Select List custom fields limit increase: Allowed list values limit for Single/Multi select list type/Color custom fields has been increased from 200 to 500.
Excel cases export enhanced to show full folder hierarchy in Folder field.
BDD/Gherkin cases: Copy Steps and Duplicate Steps options added.
Jira Panel - Execution Summary screen enhanced to show Case Title.
Multi cycle Execution Detail report enhancements:
Case and Run RTF fields (Case Description, Case Precondition & Multi line text Custom Fields) have been added to the column selector.
Note: Attachments (if any) for above fields will not be shown.Case key link will take user to the Run in the cycle instead of Case.
Public APIs Enhancements:
Get Cycle Summary API enhanced to show Total Runs count.
Upload and Attach attachments to Cycle RTF Fields API enhanced to attach attachments in the Objective and RTF custom fields.
Get Cycle Details API enhanced to fetch Attachments associated with cycle (Cycle, Objective and RTF Custom fields).
Minor Bug Fixes
Cycle creation issue from Jira panel.
Issue with Cycle load having a huge total Actual effort value.
New Line issue after a parameter name.
Text wrapping issue for long parameter values.
23rd December, 2023 → Cloud: v4.5
New Features
Run Step assignments: Users will now be able to assign users at step level.
Note: Run step assignments can be controlled at Project level and Case level.
Import automation results using Robot Framework is also supported now.
New API has been introduced for importing automation results as a batch process.
Select List custom fields limit increase: Allowed list values limit for Single/Multi select list type/Color custom fields has been increased from 200 to 500.
Minor Bug Fixes
Cycle creation issue from Jira panel.
Issue with Cycle load having a huge total Actual effort value.
2nd December, 2023 → Cloud: v4.4.4
New Features
Folder Permissions: New Project Level Permissions added for Folders Creation/Renaming/Move/Deletion.
New APIs:
Update Cycle State API has been added for updating a cycle as Closed or Locked.
Update an Existing Cycle API has been added for updating details of an existing cycle.
Excel cases export enhanced to show full folder hierarchy in Folder field.
BDD/Gherkin cases: Copy Steps and Duplicate Steps options added.
Jira Panel - Execution Summary screen enhanced to show Case Title.
Multi cycle Execution Detail report enhancements:
Case and Run RTF fields (Case Description, Case Precondition & Multi line text Custom Fields) have been added to the column selector.
Note: Attachments (if any) for above fields will not be shown.Case key link will take user to the Run in the cycle instead of Case.
Public APIs Enhancements:
Get Cycle Summary API enhanced to show Total Runs count.
Upload and Attach attachments to Cycle RTF Fields API enhanced to attach attachments in the Objective and RTF custom fields.
Get Cycle Details API enhanced to fetch Attachments associated with cycle (Cycle, Objective and RTF Custom fields).
Minor Bug Fixes
New Line issue after a parameter name.
Text wrapping issue for long parameter values.
28th November, 2023 → Server: v4.4.3, Data Center: v:
New Features
My Work: Recently Accessed section on Overview page has now been renamed to ‘My Work’ and Cycles tab has been enhanced to enable users to see more information about the cycles they are working on or recently worked on.
The activity trends are now clubbed at the top and users have the option to collapse them
Execution Status Highlight options: Users will now be able to choose different colors to be set for different execution statuses.
Bulk Edit Sets and Cycles: Users will now be able to Bulk Edit Sets and Cycles in addition to other bulk actions.
Language Support: AIO Tests now supports French and German language.
Re-order Columns: Users will be now able to choose display order of columns for different Entities via Order option in Column selector.
PDF Export enhancements: PDF export of cases has been enhanced to preserve Rich Text Formatting and show attachments as links.
Edit Parameter Names: Users will now be able to edit parameter names for Data parametrized cases.
A new button ‘Collapse All Runs’ has been introduced on Cycles Execution tab to collapse all expanded runs in one go.
Users will now be able to Export Preconditions and Estimated effort as well while Exporting Steps and update the same while Importing Edited steps.
Single / Multi-select and Color custom fields will be alphabetically sorted for the following reports - Case distribution, Automation coverage, Execution distribution, Run distribution.
Support options clubbed together: Help and settings menu option on top right on Overview page have been re-arranged for better accessibility.
Title for cases will now show as wrapped up for longer titles.
Minor Bug Fixes
Users can now right-click and open the top navigation bar options in new tabs
Notifications will show up for unsaved comments on Case detail view
Incorrect handling of empty data set values while importing results
Linked steps to be collapsed by default on Cycles Execution
Scroll bar issue for Case steps screen
19th November, 2023 → Cloud: v4.4.3
AI Assistant - BETA: OpenAI model upgrade for better performance.
Minor Bug Fixes
Linked steps to be collapsed by default on Cycles Execution.
Scroll bar issue for Case steps screen.
Few AI fixes.
4th November, 2023 → Cloud: v4.4.2
New Features
AI Assistant - BETA: AI integration with AIO Tests has been introduced which will enable users to generate sample test cases with help of AI.
My Work: Recently Accessed section on Overview page has now been renamed to ‘My Work’ and Cycles tab has been enhanced to enable users to see more information about the cycles they are working on or recently worked on.
The activity trends are now clubbed at the top and users have the option to collapse them
Execution Status Highlight options: Users will now be able to choose different colors to be set for different execution statuses.
Bulk Edit Sets and Cycles: Users will now be able to Bulk Edit Sets and Cycles in addition to other bulk actions
Language Support: AIO Tests now supports French and German language
Re-order Columns: Users will be now able to choose display order of columns for different Entities via Order option in Column selector.
PDF Export enhancements: PDF export of cases has been enhanced to preserve Rich Text Formatting and show attachments as links.
Edit Parameter Names: Users will now be able to edit parameter names for Data parametrized cases.
A new button ‘Collapse All Runs’ has been introduced on Cycles Execution tab to collapse all expanded runs in one go.
Users will now be able to Export Preconditions and Estimated effort as well while Exporting Steps and update the same while Importing Edited steps.
Single / Multi-select and Color custom fields will be alphabetically sorted for the following reports - Case distribution, Automation coverage, Execution distribution, Run distribution
Support options clubbed together: Help and settings menu option on top right on Overview page have been re-arranged for better accessibility.
Title for cases will now show as wrapped up for longer titles.
Minor Bug Fixes
Users can now right-click and open the top navigation bar options in new tabs.
Notifications will show up for unsaved comments on Case detail view
Incorrect handling of empty data set values while importing results.
23rd October, 2023 → Server: v4.4.1, Data Center: v:
New Features
Archive Cases/Cycles - User will now be able to mark Cases and Cycles as Archived and also Unarchive/Delete them as required.
Double Delete Confirmation - Users will now be able to delete cases, which are associated in current project’s set and cycles, in a single go after confirmation from user.
Run distribution report - A new report has been added to enable users to do analysis of Runs by grouping on different Case / Cycle & Run attributes as well as Run custom fields.
Failed step info in Jira Panel - User will now have the ability to view the steps of the failed case along with attachments and defects information in Jira Panel.
Custom fields type enhancements:
A new Custom field type Color Selector has been introduced.
Following Jira custom field types are also supported now:
Radio buttons for Select List (Single)
Checkboxes and Select List (multiple choices)
Closed/Locked cycle enhancements on Cycles Listing Grid:
A new Column and filter ‘Closed Date’ have been added to view/filter on Closed Date of Cycles.
A new column ‘Closed’ has been added to view Closed status of Cycles.
A new column ‘Locked’ has been added to view Locked status of Cycles.
Deselect All in Copy Cycle/Set - Users will now be able to Deselect All cases in one go which get added to cycle/set in Copy Cycle/Set flow.
Defects/Actual effort mandatory enhancements - Enhancements have been done to improve the experience for changing Run status in Cycle when Actual Effort or Defects are marked mandatory for them.
API enhancements- Public API’s have been enhanced to support Archived Cases/Cycles and Closed Cycle features.
23rd September, 2023 → Cloud: v4.4.1
New Features
Archive Cases/Cycles - User will now be able to mark Cases and Cycles as Archived and also Unarchive/Delete them as required.
Double Delete Confirmation - Users will now be able to delete cases, which are associated in current project’s set and cycles, in a single go after confirmation from user.
Run distribution report - A new report has been added to enable users to do analysis of Runs by grouping on different Case / Cycle & Run attributes as well as Run custom fields.
Failed step info in Jira Panel - User will now have the ability to view the steps of the failed case along with attachments and defects information in Jira Panel.
Custom fields type enhancements:
A new Custom field type Color Selector has been introduced.
Following Jira custom field types are also supported now:
Radio buttons for Select List (Single)
Checkboxes and Select List (multiple choices)
Closed/Locked cycle enhancements on Cycles Listing Grid:
A new Column and filter ‘Closed Date’ have been added to view/filter on Closed Date of Cycles.
A new column ‘Closed’ has been added to view Closed status of Cycles.
A new column ‘Locked’ has been added to view Locked status of Cycles.
Deselect All in Copy Cycle/Set - Users will now be able to Deselect All cases in one go which get added to cycle/set in Copy Cycle/Set flow.
Defects/Actual effort mandatory enhancements - Enhancements have been done to improve the experience for changing Run status in Cycle when Actual Effort or Defects are marked mandatory for them.
API enhancements- Public API’s have been enhanced to support Archived Cases/Cycles and Closed Cycle features.
4th September, 2023 → Server: v4.4.0, Data Center: v4.4.0.0
New Features
Dark Theme: Users can now use Dark theme with AIO Tests via My Settings → Theme page
Drill-down Capabilities in Reports/Gadgets: Automation Coverage, Execution Burndown, Execution Summary (single/multi-cycle), Execution Distribution, Traceability Summary and Case Distribution reports and related gadgets now have links on key numbers and summary cards
New Gadgets added: Automation Coverage and Automation Burndown
Cycle PDF Export: Users will now be able to Export Cycle Run/Execution data in PDF format
Public API’s added: Delete single run from a cycle and Delete multiple older runs from a cycle
Multi-cycle Execution Detail report: The report now has support for custom fields (case/cycle/run) along with a new filters bar and the ability to save column selection as part of saved reports. The cycle grouping (when more than 1 cycle is selected) will show the cycle fields specified.
Column selections in all grids: Column selections for custom fields will now be project specific and will be saved as users move between different projects
Run Custom Fields: Custom fields are now supported in Execute Offline also
BDD/Gherkin: Existing cases can be updated via ‘Import Feature Files’ option along with creation of new cases
Run Custom Fields: Run Custom fields are now supported in APIs also
Import automation Results: Users will now be able to create Data Parametrized cases via TestNG/Junit as well
Minor Bug Fixes
Special characters handled for Datasets
Issue with Run Statuses not getting Copied for Defects mandatory and Actual Effort while Import settings has been fixed
6th August, 2023 → Cloud: v4.4.0
New Features
New Gadgets added: Automation Coverage and Automation Burndown
Cycle PDF Export: Users will now be able to Export Cycle Run/Execution data in PDF format
Public API’s added: Delete single run from a cycle and Delete multiple older runs from a cycle
Run Custom Fields: Run Custom fields are now supported in APIs also
Import automation Results: Users will now be able to create Data Parametrized cases via TestNG/Junit as well
Minor Bug Fixes
Issue with Run Statuses not getting Copied for Defects mandatory and Actual Effort while Import settings has been fixed
9th July, 2023 → Cloud: v4.3.2
New Features
Dark Theme: Users can now use Dark theme with AIO Tests via My Settings → Theme page
Drill-down Capabilities in Reports/Gadgets: Automation Coverage, Execution Burndown, Execution Summary (single/multi-cycle), Execution Distribution, Traceability Summary and Case Distribution reports and related gadgets now have links on key numbers and summary cards
Run Custom Fields: Custom fields are now supported in Execute Offline also
BDD/Gherkin: Existing cases can be updated via ‘Import Feature Files’ option along with creation of new cases
Minor Bug Fixes
Special characters handled for Datasets
25th June, 2023 → Server: v4.3.0, Data Center: v4.3.0.0
New Features
Data Driven Cases/Scenario Outlines: Users will now be able to create Data Driven/Parameterized cases by creating Datasets for Classic Cases and Examples for BDD/Gherkin cases. Watch how to use the feature.
Custom Fields at Run Level: Users can now create custom fields to capture execution information like Environment, Build number, Browser, etc. and also make them mandatory. See details here on how to create them and here on how to access them
Case and Cycle Custom Fields support in Reports: Users can now use their case and cycle level Custom Fields in Case Distribution , Automation Coverage reports and Multi Cycle Distribution Report and Gadget.
New Gadgets added → Project Activity - Advanced, User Activity and Execution Distribution
Public APIs added → Get Custom Field types , Get Custom Fields , Post comments directly to the latest run or specify a run ID against which comments needs to be posted
Automatically assign test cases: Not Assigned cases in a cycle will now be automatically assigned to the user executing the case when the status is changed to any non-Not Run type status.
Users will now have the ability to configure Actual effort and Defects as mandatory for a particular run/dataset level status via General Preferences.
Create Set from Cycle: Users will now have the ability to create a Set from single cycle/set of cycles.
Dynamic Filters → Users can now set filters instead of specifying specific keys of cycles in all reports which allow input of multiple cycles - both Traceability reports, multi-cycle execution summary, detail and distribution, both Automation reports as well as Case distribution report. Same is applicable for related gadgets
Enhanced Public APIs → Following Public APIs for Cases and Cycles now support Custom Fields → Single case/cycle, cases/cycles listing, create case/cycle, search case/cycle, Project Configuration and Traceability APIs
Actual Effort in Seconds: Actual effort will now capture “seconds” too
Close/Complete a cycle: Users will now have the ability to mark a Cycle as Closed once execution is completed and also to filter out Closed cycles using ‘Closed’ filter on Cycles listing.
Duplicate Step Keyboard Shortcut: A new keyboard shortcut (Ctrl +d) has been introduced as a quick way of duplicating case steps.
Select List custom fields limit increase: Allowed list values for Single/Multi select list type custom fields has been increased from 50 to 100.
Create Cycle/Add to Cycle from Sets enhancements: Create Cycle/Add to cycle options will now also be available from Bulk menu of Sets
Date Filters have been enhanced across the app to have more options to filter by, for example- Today/Yesterday/Last 2,7,15 Days/This and Previous Month/This and Previous Year.
New Filter for Case Version: A new cycle filter has been added to allow users to filter by Latest/old case version in cycle.
Case Distribution and Automation Coverage report: A new grouping field option “Datasets” has been added in both these reports.
Multi Cycle Execution Detail Report: Two new buttons ‘Expand All’ ad ‘Collapse All' have been added for users to be able to expand/collapse their cycles execution data.
Cucumber enhancements: Users will now be able to choose while importing automation results if they want to create each example as a separate case or a single Example Based case in AIO.
Automation Updates →
While importing automation results, the corresponding cases' Automation Status would be marked as ‘Automated’
For cucumber import, if “bddforceupdate” is set to true, Title and description will also be updated
Jenkins plugin v1.8 released: while creation of new cycle, users can specify folder and Jira Tasks to be linked
Minor Bug Fixes
User will be able to rename a folder to same name with different letter-case(capitalization).
Copying links from different tabs of Cycle/Set will now re-direct users to whichever tab the link was copied from.
11th June 2023 → Cloud: v4.3.1
Multi-cycle Execution Detail report: The report now has support for custom fields (case/cycle/run) along with a new filters bar and the ability to save column selection as part of saved reports. The cycle grouping (when more than 1 cycle is selected) will show the cycle fields specified.
Column selections in all grids: Column selections for custom fields will now be project specific and will be saved as users move between different projects
4th June 2023 → Cloud: v4.3.0
New Features
Automatically assign test cases: Not Assigned cases in a cycle will now be automatically assigned to the user executing the case when the status is changed to any non-Not Run type status.
Public API added - Post comments directly to the latest run or specify a run ID against which comments needs to be posted
Custom Fields support in Reports/Gadgets: Users can now use their case and cycle level Custom Fields in Multi Cycle Distribution Report and Gadget.
Users will now have the ability to configure Actual effort and Defects as mandatory for a particular run/dataset level status via General Preferences.
Create Set from Cycle: Users will now have the ability to create a Set from single cycle/set of cycles.
Cucumber enhancements: Users will now be able to choose while importing automation results if they want to create each example as a separate case or a single Example Based case in AIO.
Case Distribution and Automation Coverage report: A new grouping field option “Datasets” has been added in both these reports.
Multi Cycle Execution Detail Report: Two new buttons ‘Expand All’ ad ‘Collapse All' have been added for users to be able to expand/collapse their cycles execution data.
Date Filters have been enhanced across the app to have more options to filter by, for example- Today/Yesterday/Last 2,7,15 Days/This and Previous Month/This and Previous Year.
New Filter for Case Version: A new cycle filter has been added to allow users to filter by Latest/old case version in cycle.
Create Cycle/Add to Cycle from Sets enhancements: Create Cycle/Add to cycle options will now also be available from Bulk menu of Sets.
Minor Bug Fixes
Issues with duplicating a case step using shortcut ctrl+b have been fixed. New changed shortcut is ctrl+d.
21st May 2023 → Cloud: v4.2.0
New Features
Data Driven Cases/Scenario Outlines: Users will now be able to create Data Driven/Parameterized cases by creating Datasets for Classic Cases and Examples for BDD/Gherkin cases. Watch how to use the feature.
Close/Complete a cycle: Users will now have the ability to mark a Cycle as Closed once execution is completed and also to filter out Closed cycles using ‘Closed’ filter on Cycles listing.
Duplicate Step Keyboard Shortcut: A new keyboard shortcut (Ctrl +b) has been introduced as a quick way of duplicating case steps.
Select List custom fields limit increase: Allowed list values for Single/Multi select list type custom fields has been increased from 50 to 100.
Minor Bug Fixes
User will be able to rename a folder to same name with different letter-case(capitalization).
Copying links from different tabs of Cycle/Set will now re-direct users to whichever tab the link was copied from.
30th April, 2023 → Cloud: v4.1.2
New Features
Case and Cycle Custom Fields support in Reports: Users can now use their case and cycle level Custom Fields in Case Distribution and Automation Coverage reports
Actual Effort in Seconds: Actual effort will now capture “seconds” too
Notifications for User Custom Fields on Runs: If users create single-user or multi-user custom fields for Runs, they can now also decide if they wish to send notifications on these fields.
23rd April, 2023 → Cloud: v4.1.1
New Features
Custom Fields at Run Level: Users can now create custom fields to capture execution information like Environment, Build number, Browser, etc. and also make them mandatory. See details here on how to create them and here on how to access them
New Gadgets added → Project Activity - Advanced, User Activity and Execution Distribution
Public APIs added → Get Custom Field types and Get Custom Fields
Dynamic Filters → Users can now set filters instead of specifying specific keys of cycles in all reports which allow input of multiple cycles - both Traceability reports, multi-cycle execution summary, detail and distribution, both Automation reports as well as Case distribution report. Same is applicable for related gadgets
Enhanced Public APIs → Following Public APIs for Cases and Cycles now support Custom Fields → Single case/cycle, cases/cycles listing, create case/cycle, search case/cycle, Project Configuration and Traceability APIs
Automation Updates →
While importing automation results, the corresponding cases' Automation Status would be marked as ‘Automated’
For cucumber import, if “bddforceupdate” is set to true, Title and description will also be updated
Jenkins plugin v1.8 released: while creation of new cycle, users can specify folder and Jira Tasks to be linked
18th April, 2023 → Server: v4.1.0, Data Center: v4.1.0.0
New Features
Notifications on User Custom Fields: Users can now choose to send an email notification when creating User custom fields
Bulk copy of Cycles: Users can now copy multiple cycles within the project
AIO Tests Jira Panel visibility options: The ability to control the visibility of AIO Tests panel on Jira issues has been added
Tags on Saved Reports: The ability to categorize reports via Tags has been added allowing users to organize their saved reports
Public APIs added:
Get and Create Folder hierarchy for Cases and Cycles
Ability to upload attachments to Cases and Cycles
Export BDD cases
Ability to retrieve attachments
Users now have the ability to mark Jira Requirements as mandatory on Cases
Jira Tasks field is now available in Cycle tab Filters and Column Selector allowing users to see which Cycles are linked to Jira issues
Users can now upload attachments on Cycle too
Cases Count has been added as an option in the column selector for Sets
Public APIs enhanced
Create cycle API updated to take Jira Tasks as input and link them to the created cycle
Search Cycle API updated to allow search via linked Jira Task list
Search Case API updated to allow search via linked Jira Requirement list
Migration API updated to take migrate Assignees and Jira Defects
9th April, 2023 → Cloud: v4.1.0.1
Multi-Cycle Execution Detail Report: The Execution Detail report now supports input of multiple cycles. The name of the report is changed to reflect the same. With multiple cycles, user can choose to change the grouping to “None” to see the order in which cases were in the cycle.
29th March, 2023 → Server: v4.0.3, Data Center: v4.0.3.0
Video introducing all the changes → AIO Tests - Exciting Updates!
Create button - Create Case/Set/Cycle button has moved to the main navigation bar allowing users to create entities from any screen
Set Detail view now has 2 tabs: Details and Cases. Details tab shows the basic information and Cases tab shows the Cases added to the set
Cycle Detail view now has 3 tabs: - Details, Cases and Execution. Details tab shows the basic information, Cases tab shows the cases added to the cycle and Execution tab allows users to execute cases like before
An icon next to the case in Cycles will show if the latest version is not present in the cycle
Apart from Bulk User Assignments, users can assign cases from the grid of cases in Cases and Execution tabs of the Cycle
Linked cases screen has been enhanced to have added ability of filtering the cases and expanding and viewing case steps
Add to Set/Cycle from Cases screens have been enhanced for more flexibility and ease of use
Classic to BDD cases and vice-versa conversion is supported now even if cases to be converted are existing in a cycle already. Only exception being when case is already referenced in any other case, in that case it can’t be converted
The folder panel throughout the app is resizable now
Jira Custom fields: New Jira custom fields creation has been simplified as a new type 'Jira field' is added to Custom field types. Going forward, for creating new Jira custom fields, users don't need to select 'Single Select List' as type for creating the same
AIO Project Admins: Project permissions have a new option added for 'Edit Project Settings' allowing Admins to add QA users as AIO Tests admin for Project Settings page
Jira panel:
Overall AIO tests issue panel has been enhanced for more flexibility and ease of use
Link cases option has been enhanced to have added ability of filtering the cases
Quick Execute of cases can now be done across projects
Overview page: Cases/Sets/Cycles boxes are now clickable enabling the user to navigate to respective entities
Export cases to Feature file: Cases will now be sorted by case ID in the exported file
Minor Bug Fixes
Newman handle path issue and import failure issue has been fixed
Issue with display/search of User groups on Access page has been fixed
Clicking on Cycle key link from Jira panel will now open Executions tab by default
BDD case creation/editing/saving experience has been improved
Special characters handling updated while importing BDD cases from Excel
25th March 2023 → Cloud: v4.1.0
New Features
Notifications on User Custom Fields: Users can now choose to send an email notification when creating User custom fields
Bulk copy of Cycles: Users can now copy multiple cycles within the project
AIO Tests Jira Panel visibility options: The ability to control the visibility of AIO Tests panel on Jira issues has been added
Tags on Saved Reports: The ability to categorize reports via Tags has been added allowing users to organize their saved reports
Public APIs added:
Get and Create Folder hierarchy for Cases and Cycles
Ability to upload attachments to Cases and Cycles
Export BDD cases
Ability to retrieve attachments
Users now have the ability to mark Jira Requirements as mandatory on Cases
Jira Tasks field is now available in Cycle tab Filters and Column Selector allowing users to see which Cycles are linked to Jira issues
Users can now upload attachments on Cycle too
Cases Count has been added as an option in the column selector for Sets
Public APIs enhanced
Create cycle API updated to take Jira Tasks as input and link them to the created cycle
Search Cycle API updated to allow search via linked Jira Task list
Search Case API updated to allow search via linked Jira Requirement list
Migration API updated to take migrate Assignees and Jira Defects
11th March 2023 → Cloud: v4.0.3
Minor Bug Fixes
Special characters handling updated while importing BDD cases from Excel
Folder context issue while editing a case has been fixed
Issues with steps re-ordering fixed
5th March 2023 → Cloud: v4.0.2
Minor Bug Fixes
The default status will be Published while creating case from Jira panel instead of Draft
Clicking on Cycle key link from Jira panel will now open Executions tab by default
Long text input for Steps page has been handled
BDD case creation/editing/saving experience has been improved
26th February, 2023 → Cloud: v4.0.1
Overview page: Cases/Sets/Cycles boxes are now clickable enabling the user to navigate to respective entities
Export cases to Feature file: Cases will now be sorted by case ID in the exported file
Minor Bug Fixes
Cases selection while doing ‘Add All’ in Reports Filters has been fixed
Newman handle path issue and import failure issue has been fixed
Issue with display/search of User groups on Access page has been fixed
Issue with Step level attachments not getting attached while creating an issue has been fixed
Issue with browser back button while navigating back from Jira issue has been fixed
AIO Tests pages now utilize entire screen when page is resized
23rd February, 2023 → Server: v3.1.7, Data Center: v3.1.7.0
Cycle Details: Pre-conditions (if populated) for a test case will now be shown for every run of the case
Search Case API has been enhanced to support search by case priority, type, status and owner
Multi Cycle Distribution Report has been enhanced to also show defects discovered column
Cucumber enhancements have been done to handle cases where data is parameterized in data tables
19th February, 2023 → Cloud: v4.0
Create button - Create Case/Set/Cycle button has moved to the main navigation bar allowing users to create entities from any screen
Set Detail view now has 2 tabs: Details and Cases. Details tab shows the basic information and Cases tab shows the Cases added to the set
Cycle Detail view now has 3 tabs: - Details, Cases and Execution. Details tab shows the basic information, Cases tab shows the cases added to the cycle and Execution tab allows users to execute cases like before
An icon next to the case in Cycles will show if the latest version is not present in the cycle
Apart from Bulk User Assignments, users can assign cases from the grid of cases in Cases and Execution tabs of the Cycle
Classic to BDD cases and vice-versa conversion is supported now even if cases to be converted are existing in a cycle already. Only exception being when case is already referenced in any other case, in that case it can’t be converted
The folder panel throughout the app is resizable now
Jira Custom fields: New Jira custom fields creation has been simplified as a new type 'Jira field' has been added to Custom field types. Going forward, for creating new Jira custom fields, users don't need to select 'Single Select List' as type for creating the same
AIO Project Admins: Project permissions have a new option added for 'Edit Project Settings' allowing Admins to add QA users as AIO Tests admin for Project Settings page
Jira panel:
Overall AIO tests issue panel has been enhanced for more flexibility and ease of use
Link cases option has been enhanced to have added ability of filtering the cases
Quick Execute of cases can now be done across projects
Linked cases screen has been enhanced to have added ability of filtering the cases and expanding and viewing case steps
Add to Set/Cycle from Cases screens have been enhanced for more flexibility and ease of use
Click here to have a high level look on some of the main changes mentioned above
Known Issues (Fix coming on 26th Feb)
Reports Filters add all issue - Add all functionality in Reports is not adding all eligible cases, currently it is selecting the number of cases as selected in pagination preference. To add more cases, pagination limit can be increased or additional cases can be selected manually
4th December, 2022 → Cloud: v3.1.5.4
Cycle Details: Pre-conditions (if populated) for a test case will now be shown for every run of the case
Search Case API has been enhanced to support search by case priority, type, status and owner
20th November, 2022 → Cloud: v3.1.5.3
Multi Cycle Distribution Report has been enhanced to also show defects discovered column
Cucumber enhancements have been done to handle cases where data is parameterized in data tables
2nd November, 2022 → Server: v3.1.6, Data Center: v3.1.6.0
Folder hierarchy for cases/sets/cycles will now be maintained and displayed as per user preference across sessions
Copy Steps: A checkbox has been added to allow users to select all steps while copying steps from other cases
CSV export now supports Unicode characters/fonts
Traceability reports/gadgets have been enhanced to highlight Failed Status cases for better visibility
Cucumber enhancements have been done to add log to run comments and description to new cases being created
30th October, 2022 → Cloud: v3.1.5.2
Folder hierarchy for cases/sets/cycles will now be maintained and displayed as per user preference across sessions
Copy Steps: A checkbox has been added to allow users to select all steps while copying steps from other cases
CSV export now supports Unicode characters/fonts
Traceability reports/gadgets have been enhanced to highlight Failed Status cases for better visibility
Cucumber enhancements have been done to add log to run comments and description to new cases being created
20th October, 2022 → Server: v3.1.5, Data Center: v3.1.5.0
New Features
User activity report: A new report has been added for users to be able to see Cases added/updated/executed/automated per user in different projects
Project Activity report: A new report has been added for users to be able to track activities in a project
Postman tests import via Newman Report: Users will now be able to import their Postman tests results (via Newman) into AIO Tests. Detailed documentation here
Public filters: Users will now be able to mark their Saved filters as Public/Private thereby allowing other users to subscribe to and use public filters
Rich-Text Format Updates: Users can now insert tables, attachments and code snippets in Steps, data, expected results as well as Case Description, Actual Results, Comments etc.
Note: Images attached in Case Description, Steps, Data, Expected results, Actual result, RTF custom fields, etc. for Test run or Test Steps will not be included while creating issues/sub-tasks at run/step level
Cucumber Enhancements:
AIO Tests now supports doc strings and data tables while importing Cucumber results as well as while importing feature files
Embeddings to be supported without name while importing Cucumber results
Steps with no text will be ignored while importing Cucumber results
Export of BDD cases will now show keywords in separate column
Traceability summary report: Report has been enhanced to include defects from all runs in a cycle
Traceability reports/gadgets: Traceability reports and gadgets have been enhanced to give users the ability to filter child issues based on issue type
Case history will now also capture records for files attached at case level as well as case steps level while creating a new case/editing a case
Case Search API enhanced to search via automation status
RTF attachment links in Jira issues: Issue creation screen from AIO Tests will now also include links for any case level/step level/run level/run step level/RTF attachments (added in comments/actual results, etc.)
Comment attachments in email notifications: Attachments present in comments will now be sent as links in email notifications
Minor Bug Fixes
Fix for Background information being lost from Cucumber reports import
Fix for both automation key and case key cases matching and being updated while importing Cucumber results
Minor fix for data to be shown properly in RTF tables while creating an issue
9th October, 2022 → Cloud: v3.1.5
Traceability reports/gadgets: Traceability reports and gadgets have been enhanced to give users the ability to filter child issues based on issue type
2nd October, 2022 → Cloud: v3.1.4
New Features
User activity report: A new report has been added for users to be able to see Cases added/updated/executed/automated per user in different projects
Project Activity report: A new report has been added for users to be able to track activities in a project
Postman tests import via Newman Report: Users will now be able to import their Postman tests results (via Newman) into AIO Tests. Detailed documentation here
Public filters: Users will now be able to mark their Saved filters as Public/Private thereby allowing other users to subscribe to and use Public filters
RTF attachment links in Jira issues: Issue creation screen from AIO Tests will now also include links for any case level/step level/run level/run step level/RTF attachments (added in comments/actual results, etc.)
Comment attachments in email notifications: Attachments present in comments will now be sent as links in email notifications
Minor Bug Fixes
Minor fix for data to be shown properly in RTF tables while creating an issue
18th September, 2022 → Cloud: v3.1.3
Rich-Text Format Updates: Users can now insert tables, attachments and code snippets in Steps, data, expected results as well as Case Description, Actual Results, Comments etc.
Note: Images attached in Case Description, Steps, Data, Expected results, Actual result, RTF custom fields, etc. for Test run or Test Steps will not be included while creating issues/sub-tasks at run/step level
Cucumber Enhancements:
AIO Tests now supports doc strings and data tables while importing Cucumber results as well as while importing feature files
Embeddings to be supported without name while importing Cucumber results
Steps with no text will be ignored while importing Cucumber results
Export of BDD cases will now show keywords in separate column
Traceability summary report: Report has been enhanced to include defects from all runs in a cycle
Case history will now also capture records for files attached at case level as well as case steps level while creating a new case/editing a case
Case Search API enhanced to search via automation status
Minor Bug Fixes
Fix for Background information being lost from Cucumber reports import
Fix for both automation key and case key cases matching and being updated while importing Cucumber results
7th September, 2022 → Server: v3.1.2, Data Center: v3.1.2.0
New Features
Custom column selector in Jira view of AIO Tests: For the Cases tab in AIO Tests section on a Jira issue view, users can now choose which columns they would like to see.
Re-indexing of Case Keys: Users can ensure the case keys are in order if a few cases have been deleted and they would like to see no gaps in the numbering of keys
Advanced Search: Users can now search in Steps, Description and Comments in addition to keys, title and automation keys
Bulk Export of Cases: Users can now export cases to Excel/CSV/PDF and Feature Files from Bulk Selection too (existing functionality of exporting cases via filters is also there)
Execution Distribution report - Report has been enhanced to take multiple cycles as input and show data for them
Defect Summary gadget - An option has been added to Defect summary gadget to ask for Jira fields to generate the pie graphs
Execution overview gadget - Enhancements done to extend the graph to take full space if only 1 graph is selected
Traceability Summary Report - Report has been enhanced to show status as ‘Not in cycle' instead of ‘No Run’ for cases not present in cycle
Email Enhancements: Users will now get email notifications from AIO Tests without requiring to set the profile visibility to Anyone
Minor Bug Fixes
Fixed - Accented letters showing up as "?" in email content
Fixed - Navigational issues
21st August, 2022 → Cloud: v3.1.2
New Features
Custom column selector in Jira view of AIO Tests: For the Cases tab in AIO Tests section on a Jira issue view, users can now choose which columns they would like to see.
Re-indexing of Case Keys: Users can ensure the case keys are in order if a few cases have been deleted and they would like to see no gaps in the numbering of keys
Advanced Search: Users can now search in Steps, Description and Comments in addition to keys, title and automation keys
Bulk Export of Cases: Users can now export cases to Excel/CSV/PDF and Feature Files from Bulk Selection too (existing functionality of exporting cases via filters is also there)
Minor Bug Fixes
Fixed: - Accented letters showing up as "?" in email content
5th August, 2022 → Server: v3.1.0, Data Center: v3.1.0.0
New Features
Custom Statuses for Executions: Users can now create new statuses for executions
Project Settings: Users can control/define if the failed status is considered as execution completed or not
Sub-task Creation as defect: When creating issues/defects from AIO, users will be able to create sub-tasks to stories in addition to defects
Copy Sets: Users can now copy sets also
NUnit Support: NUnit results can now be directly imported in AIO Tests.
Users can now insert links in Steps, data, expected results as well as Case Description, Actual Results, Comments, etc.
Multi-cycle execution summary graphs will show the title of the cycle
Existing Comments will be exported in Execute Offline
Email Enhancements
Comments will be included in the outgoing emails
Case title has been added to the emails going out for assignment of Case Owner, Automation Owner and when cases are assigned to testers in cycles
While copying a case/set/cycle, default Owner will now be the user performing the copy action instead of original owner of that entity
Minor Bug fixes
For cases with longer title, the tooltip will show the entire title while copying steps from other cases as well as while linking cases
Gadget message updated to reflect correct report name
1st August, 2022 → Cloud: v3.1.1
Execution Distribution report - Report has been enhanced to take multiple cycles as input and show data for them
Defect Summary gadget - An option has been added to Defect summary gadget to ask for Jira fields to generate the pie graphs
Execution overview gadget - Enhancements done to extend the graph to take full space if only 1 graph is selected
Traceability Summary Report - Report has been enhanced to show status as ‘Not in cycle' instead of ‘No Run’ for cases not present in cycle
Email Enhancements: Users will now get email notifications from AIO Tests without requiring to set the profile visibility to Anyone
24th July, 2022 → Cloud: v3.1.0
New Features
Custom Statuses for Executions: Users can now create new statuses for executions
Project Settings: Users can control/define if the failed status is considered as execution completed or not
Sub-task Creation as defect: When creating issues/defects from AIO, users will be able to create sub-tasks to stories in addition to defects
Copy Sets: Users can now copy sets also
NUnit Support: NUnit results can now be directly imported in AIO Tests.
Users can now insert links in Steps, data, expected results as well as Case Description, Actual Results, Comments, etc.
Multi-cycle execution summary graphs will show the title of the cycle
Existing Comments will be exported in Execute Offline
Email Enhancements
Comments will be included in the outgoing emails
Case title has been added to the emails going out for assignment of Case Owner, Automation Owner and when cases are assigned to testers in cycles
While copying a case/set/cycle, default Owner will now be the user performing the copy action instead of original owner of that entity
Minor Bug fixes
For cases with longer title, the tooltip will show the entire title while copying steps from other cases as well as while linking cases
Gadget message updated to reflect correct report name
22nd July, 2022 → Server: v3.0.4, Data Center: v3.0.4.0
New Features
Jira 9 compatibility: AIO Tests is now compatible with Jira Server version 9.x
8th July, 2022 → Server: v3.0.2, Data Center: v3.0.2.0
New Features
AIO Tests Server To Cloud Data migration: Jira Server users using AIO Tests can now move their data to Jira Cloud using AIO Tests JCMA feature. Details available here
Create set/Add to set from Cases: Users can now create a set from Cases tab for selected cases or add cases to an existing set from the Cases tab as well as from Jira panel
Add more details to Defect Description while creating defects from AIO Tests (General Preferences)
Cycle details and Cycle custom fields
Actual Result, Data and Expected Results
Note: Steps will now be displayed in a table for better readability
Expected Results field can be marked as non-mandatory: From Field Configurations, users can now mark "Expected Results" field as a non-mandatory field
Note: Expected Results field cannot be disabledNew API’s exposed and existing API’s updated to allow the users to update a test case run at step level. Click here to check out the API
Delete Cycle API released: Users can use it for first deleting cases from a cycle and then deleting the cycle by passing ‘emptyCycleBeforeDelete’ flag as true. Click here to check out the API
Create Case API released: A new ‘Create Case’ API has been released to allow users to create a case with basic case details, Automation details and link Jira requirements. Click here to check out the API
Cases Grid Performance Enhancements: To increase the performance of cases listing, following changes have been made:
Filters updated to include Apply & Clear All icons: A tick icon (for applying filters) has been added and will need to be clicked once the filters are selected. A "X" icon (for clearing filters) has also been added
Note: These buttons will only appear for Cases listing and Add existing cases page for Sets & CyclesKey Filter: Instead of showing the entire list of keys, the key filter can be applied by searching for the keys
Adding Cases to Set/Cycle: While creating/adding cases to Set/Cycle from Cases folders, only cases matching the applied filter, if any, will be added
Search Enhancements: Performance enhancements have been done for Search on Cases Listing
Bulk Status Update Performance Improvement: Bulk status change call has been updated to improve speed
Copy Cycle Performance Improvement: Copy Cycle feature has been updated to improve speed
Defect Pie Graphs enhanced - Users can now customize the Defect Pie Graphs in the Single and Multi Cycle Execution Summary reports via ‘Report Preferences’ section under Project Settings
Show Previously Added Cases on Add cases screen: Users can see previously added cases in a set/cycle using this option. The option is available while creating/editing set/cycle and while adding existing cases to a set/cycle
Case Search API Enhancements: Case Search API has been enhanced to support search by Automation key as well. Click here to check out the API
Minor Bug fixes
Fix for Custom fields not getting copied while Copying a cycle
Fix for issues with step level status changes on Cycle Details
Fix for create case modal opening from Jira panel even though no fields are marked as mandatory
Fix for PDF export of cases having Unicode characters
Fix for empty space that was being shown on Create Set screen
Fix for spinner issue on Sets/cycles listing if saved filter for set/cycle is deleted from Add to Set/Add to Cycle screen
Fix for issues with case steps being copied in bug being created from run/step level
3rd July, 2022 → Cloud: v3.0.2
Cases Listing Search Enhancements: Performance enhancements have been done for Search on Cases Listing.
Minor Bug fixes
Fix for spinner issue on Sets/cycles listing if saved filter for set/cycle is deleted from Add to Set/Add to Cycle screen
26th June, 2022 → Cloud: v3.0.1
New Features
Create Case API released: A new ‘Create Case’ API has been released to allow users to create a case with basic case details, Automation details and link Jira requirements. Click here to check out the API
Case Search API Enhancements: Case Search API has been enhanced to support search by Automation key as well. Click here to check out the API
Minor Bug fixes
Fix for issues with step level status changes on Cycle Details
Fix for create case modal opening from Jira panel even though no fields are marked as mandatory
19th June, 2022 → Cloud: v3.0
New Features
Add more details to Defect Description while creating defects from AIO Tests (General Preferences)
Cycle details and Cycle custom fields
Actual Result, Data and Expected Results
Note: Steps will now be displayed in a table for better readability
Expected Results field can be marked as non-mandatory: From Field Configurations, users can now mark "Expected Results" field as a non-mandatory field
Note: Expected Results field cannot be disabledDelete Cycle API released: Users can use it for first deleting cases from a cycle and then deleting the cycle by passing ‘emptyCycleBeforeDelete’ flag as true. Click here to check out the API.
Cases Grid Performance Enhancements: To increase the performance of cases listing, following changes have been made:
Filters updated to include Apply & Clear All icons: A tick icon (for applying filters) has been added and will need to be clicked once the filters are selected. A "X" icon (for clearing filters) has also been added
Note: These buttons will only appear for Cases listing and Add existing cases page for Sets & CyclesKey Filter: Instead of showing the entire list of keys, the key filter can be applied by searching for the keys
Adding Cases to Set/Cycle: While creating/adding cases to Set/Cycle from Cases folders, only cases matching the applied filter, if any, will be added.
Show Previously Added Cases on Add cases screen: Users can see previously added cases in a set/cycle using this option. The option is available while creating/editing set/cycle and while adding existing cases to a set/cycle
Minor Bug fixes
Fix for PDF export of cases having Unicode characters.
Fix for Custom fields not getting copied while Copying a cycle.
5th June, 2022 → Cloud: v2.9.2
Defect Pie Graphs enhanced - Users can now customize the Defect Pie Graphs in the Single and Multi Cycle Execution Summary reports via ‘Report Preferences’ section under Project Settings.
21st May, 2022 → Cloud: v2.9.1
New Features
Create set/Add to set from Cases: Users can now create a set from Cases tab for selected cases or add cases to an existing set from the Cases tab as well as from Jira panel.
New API’s exposed and existing API’s updated to allow the users to update a test case run at step level. Link to new API - /api/v1/project/{jiraProjectId}/testcycle/{testCycleId}/testcase/{testId}/testrun/{testRunId}
Bulk Status Update Performance Improvement: Bulk status change call has been updated to improve speed.
Copy Cycle Performance Improvement: Copy Cycle feature has been updated to improve speed.
Minor Bug fixes
Fix for empty space that was being shown on Create Set screen.
17th May, 2022 → Server: v2.9.0, Data Center: v2.9.0.0
New Features
Case Distribution Report: A new Case level report has been added to AIO Tests that shows distribution of cases in a matrix format using configurable groupings of case attributes.
Defect Impact Report: A new report has been added to AIO Tests that will help users to analyze the impact of Defects on Cases and Requirements. Users can choose to see runs from current as well other projects. For more details, click here
Jira Custom Fields: Users can now create Custom fields in AIO Tests which can be mapped to single select custom fields and Sprint fields in Jira. Once created, Jira custom fields will work the same way across the app as other AIO Custom fields. For more details, click here
Email notifications for Case Assignee and Automation Owner: Users will now receive emails(if preferences are set appropriately) whenever they are assigned a case or assigned as Automation owner for a case, except for the cases where the user is assigning themselves. For more details, click here.
Create Another Case: Users can now use the “Create Another” checkbox while creating cases to keep creating cases one after the other. The case details from the first case gets copied into the next one along with steps, if selected
BDD Cases import via Excel: Users can now import BDD cases with an Excel format as well. They will be required to map the “BDD Keyword” field
Delete Selected Steps: The delete button has been moved out from the ellipsis on the Steps page allowing users to quickly select the steps that need to be deleted
Bulk Status Update & Bulk Assign Users Performance Improvement: Both these bulk calls have been updated to improve speed
Copy Cycle Performance Improvement: Copy Cycle feature has been updated to improve speed
Public API exposed to attach artifacts to latest run of the case: Public API has been exposed to attach artifacts to the latest run of the case in absence of run ID.
Minor Bug fixes
Fix for cases getting scrolled up on cycle details while typing in comments.
Fix for excel export failure if any cell has very long data which exceeds allowed characters limit.
8th May, 2022 → Cloud: v2.9
New Features
Jira Custom Fields: Users can now create Custom fields in AIO Tests which can be mapped to single select custom fields and Sprint fields in Jira. Once created, Jira custom fields will work the same way across the app as other AIO Custom fields. For more details, click here
Defect Impact Report: A new report has been added to AIO Tests that will help users to analyze the impact of Defects on Cases and Requirements. Users can choose to see runs from current as well other projects. For more details, click here.
Email notifications for Case Assignee and Automation Owner: Users will now receive emails(if preferences are set appropriately) whenever they are assigned a case or assigned as Automation owner for a case, except for the cases where the user is assigning themselves. For more details, click here.
Public API exposed to attach artifacts to latest run of the case: Public API has been exposed to attach artifacts to the latest run of the case in absence of run ID.
Minor Bug fixes
Fix for excel export failure if any cell has very long data which exceeds allowed characters limit.
Fix for fetching the correct issue hierarchy in reports if Epic Issue Type is renamed.
24th April, 2022 → Cloud: v2.8.3
New Features
Case Distribution Report: A new Case level report has been added to AIO Tests that shows distribution of cases in a matrix format using configurable groupings of case attributes
Create Another Case: Users can now use the “Create Another” checkbox while creating cases to keep creating cases one after the other. The case details from the first case gets copied into the next one along with steps, if selected
BDD Cases import via Excel: Users can now import BDD cases with an Excel format as well. They will be required to map the “Keyword” field
Delete Selected Steps: The delete button has been moved out from the ellipsis on the Steps page allowing users to quickly select the steps that need to be deleted
Bulk Status Update & Bulk Assign Users Performance Improvement: Both these bulk calls have been updated to improve speed
Copy Cycle Performance Improvement: Copy Cycle feature has been updated to improve speed
18th April, 2022 → Server: v2.8.2, Data Center: v2.8.2.0
New Features
Mandatory/Non-mandatory fields: Users can enable/disable and mark a host of fields as mandatory with this new feature. It can be accessed via the Field Configurations page under Project Settings. The option is also available for Custom fields.
Copy Project Settings: The ability to copy the project level settings from a project to multiple other projects has been added to AIO Tests. Users can also import project settings of another project into the current project that they're working on
Save Filters: Users can now save their filter combinations and reuse them in reports
Search in Folders: Users can now search for a particular folder in the folder structure on Cases, Sets and Cycles tab
Find & Replace in Steps: A new option has been introduced for the Steps page so that users can find and replace words in steps page quickly. This feature is currently only available for classic cases
Delete All Steps: Use the Delete All steps option when you clone cases but steps need to be different. This feature is currently only available for classic cases
"_" (underscore) is now supported while mapping keys via automation in JUnit
10th April, 2022 → Cloud: v2.8.2
Search in Folders: Users can now search for a particular folder in the folder structure on Cases, Sets and Cycles tab
Find & Replace in Steps: A new option has been introduced for the Steps page so that users can find and replace words in steps page quickly. This feature is currently only available for classic cases
Delete All Steps: Use the Delete All steps option when you clone cases but steps need to be different. This feature is currently only available for classic cases
3rd April, 2022 → Cloud: v2.8.1
New Features
Mandatory/Non-mandatory fields: Users can enable/disable and mark a host of fields as mandatory with this new feature. It can be accessed via the Field Configurations page under Project Settings. The option is also available for Custom fields.
Copy Project Settings: The ability to copy the project level settings from a project to multiple other projects has been added to AIO Tests. Users can also import project settings of another project into the current project that they're working on
Save Filters: Users can now save their filter combinations and reuse them in reports
"_" (underscore) is now supported while mapping keys via automation in JUnit
27th March, 2022 → Server: v2.7.2, Data Center: v2.7.2.0
New Features
Operation Level Permissions: Admin now have a new project level setting which lets them specify detailed access on operations like creation, deletion, execution, etc. of different entities. Read more details here
Bulk Copy Cases to Another Project and Same Project : Users can now copy cases across projects and within projects too. Copying cases from another project is available under Import Cases button and should be initiated from the destination project. Copying cases to the same project is available under Bulk Edit (pencil icon)
Lock Cycle Scope: Users can now lock cycle so that no more cases can be added or removed. This is useful in scenarios when managers do not want anyone to add/remove cases once the cycle is created. The option is available from Cycle Details page under Manage Cases button
Audit Log: Audit Log is a new option under the cog icon. It shows a list of all deletion activities for the project for up to 30 days