Execution Overview

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Execution Overview

This article describes functioning of the AIO Tests Execution Overview gadget. This gadget allows you to view the current status and progress of the specified execution cycles. The report shows details around cases added to the cycle, their status, execution effort, defects, etc. This information is part of the Execution Summary report.

Gadget Input Screen

Once the gadget is added to the dashboard, below screen is displayed. This gadget allows for selection of one or multiple cycles of the selected project in the input, as shown below.

Following display options are available for user to customize the look of the output.

  • Show selected Cycle list → Users can choose whether or not the cycle keys and titles are displayed as part of the output

  • Show Case distribution → Users can choose if they wish to see the graph of execution status of cases in specified cycles as part of the output

  • Show Effort distribution → Users can choose if they wish to see the graph of estimated effort/remaining effort distribution in the output

  • Show Cycle Summary → Users can choose if they wish to see the table with details for specified cycle in the output

At least one of the 3 options (case distribution, effort distribution and cycle summary) will need to be selected for gadget output


Gadget Output

Below is the output of the gadget for the input specified in the above screenshot. This information is same as the Multi-cycle Execution Summary report. For details on what each of the numbers represent, please refer to Multi-Cycle Execution Summary report.


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