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Execution Distribution
This article describes functioning of the AIO Tests Execution Distribution gadget. This gadget allows you to view cycle execution progress by different parameters. Using the information provided in this gadget, managers can prioritize work to meet their testing goals. This gadget uses AIO Tests existing multi-cycle execution distribution report.
Input Screen
Once the execution burndown gadget is added, below screen is displayed.
This gadget allows for specifying one project and one or multiple cycles at a time. Users can also choose to specify a dynamic filter for cycles by changing ‘List’ to ‘Filter’
Users can choose the distribution criteria which includes user assignment, tags, priority, requirements, case type and all the case/cycle custom fields
Users can choose what they want to see from the display options
This gadget is for AIO Tests multi-cycle execution distribution report. The refresh interval defines how frequently should the dashboard be refreshed. Users can manually refresh the dashboard too by selecting the ‘Refresh’ option from the ellipsis (top right of the gadget).
Gadget Output
Below is the sample output for one of the projects and its cycles where distribution was by ‘User Assignment’ and all the options were selected.