Gadgets & Dashboards

Gadgets & Dashboards

AIO Tests allows you to add segments of in-built reports into Jira Dashboards with ease. By creating a dashboard and adding gadgets to it, you can easily track the activity happening in the AIO projects, get an overview of Cycles, track burn down rate for a single Cycle, track the automation coverage for Cases, and much more. 

In this documentation, you’ll understand:

Steps to Create a Dashboard in Jira

Step 1: To create a dashboard in Jira, simply click on the Dashboard option in Jira’s top bar menu and select the Create Dashboard option from the drop-down menu. 

Step 2: Once you click on the Create Dashboard option, the Create Dashboard modal window will be displayed on the screen. Enter the name of the dashboard into the Name field 

Users can also define access to the dashboard from the Viewers and Editors drop-down list. 

Step 3: Finally, click on the Save button. 

Once you click on the Save button, the below screen will be displayed with the default layout. 

Users have the option to change the layout of the dashboard and add gadgets to it. 

Steps to Add Gadgets to Dashboard

Step 1: To add gadgets to dashboard, simply click on the Dashboard option in Jira’s top bar menu and select the View All Dashboard option from the drop-down menu.

Step 2: On the Dashboard page, select the desired dashboard to which you want to add the gadget.

Step 3: Click on the Edit button. 

Step 4: On the right-side panel, enter the AIO Tests into the Add a Gadget field.

Step 2: Once you enter AIO Tests into the Add a Gadget field, a list of all the available gadgets will be displayed on the screen. Select the desired gadget that you want to add from the available list by clicking on the Add button. 

Step 3: Finally, click on the Done button to save the dashboard configuration. 

Users can enter details on each gadget and click on the Save button to generate data. 

Steps to Edit Gadget 

Step 1: To edit a gadget, click on the Dashboard option in Jira’s top bar menu and select the View All Dashboard option from the drop-down menu. 

Step 2: On the Dashboard page, select the desired dashboard that you want to edit. 

Step 3: Click on the Edit button. 

Step 2: Click on the Horizontal ellipsis button for the gadget that you want to edit. 

Step 3: Finally, click on the Done button.

For further queries and suggestions, feel free to reach out to our customer support via help@aiotests.com


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