Multi-Cycle Execution Distribution Report

Multi-Cycle Execution Distribution Report

Execution Distribution report allows managers to view cycle execution progress by different parameters. By using the information in this report, managers can prioritize work to meet their testing goals. This report is generated for the specified cycle(s) and gives distribution by users assigned to cases for execution, case priority, case type, tags added to cases and by user requirements (Jira issues linked to cases). You can also use any of the case and cycle level custom fields to group data by.

In this documentation, you’ll understand:

Steps to Generate Execution Distribution Report

Step 1: To generate Execution Distribution Report, simply click on the Chevron option for Multi Cycle Execution Distribution.

Group 1 (71).png

Step 2: Once you click on the chevron icon, the Multi-Cycle Execution Distribution Report input window will be displayed on the screen. Click on the Projets field and select the desired projects, then hit the Cycles field and choose the relevant cycles from the selected projects along with the distribution parameter for which you want to generate the Multi Execution Detail Report. 

  • Users can also use the filter option to narrow down the Cycles list. They can filter the Cycles list by Component, Release, Cycle Tags, Folders, or any custom fields (which can be added via the inverted triangle icon).

  • Users also have the option to specify a dynamic filter for cycles by changing ‘List’ to ‘Filter’.

Step 3: Finally, click on the Generate button. 

Users can also save reports to reuse them later by clicking on the Save button.

Once you click on the Generate button, the report output will be displayed on the screen. 


Multi-Cycle Execution Distribution Report Output- Overview

Depending on the selected distributed parameter, the execution distribution report is generated. Here’s a detailed explanation of the Multi-Cycle Execution Distribution report output.  

  1. Cycle Summary: The first section of the Multi-Cycle Execution Distribution report consists of the Key, Title, Objective, Start date, and End date.

  2. Case Distribution: In the Case distribution section, the bar chart shows the case count by the selected distribution parameter broken down by the last run status of cases.

  3. Estimated Effort Distribution: In the estimated effort distribution, the bar chart shows the Remaining and Completed Est. Effort for cases that fall under the selected distribution parameter. Completed estimated effort is the total of estimated effort for completed cases (cases in Passed/Failed status). Similarly, the remaining estimated effort is the total of the estimated effort for incomplete cases (cases in Blocked/In Progress/Not Run status).

  4. Execution Data: In this section, the data represented in bar charts is shown in the table format- case count by selected distribution parameter and by last run status, estimated, actual and remaining effort and number of incomplete cases. 

  • In the execution data section, there is an "Only show rows with pending executions" checkbox. If checked, the table shows the distribution for cases that have not yet been executed.

  • There are a few important points that should be noted.

    • Each case is mapped uniquely (except for tags and requirements distribution parameters).

    • Estimated Effort is the effort entered by the user while creating the case.

    • Actual Effort is the total effort logged across all runs.

    • A case is considered complete if the status is either Passed or Failed.

    • A case is considered incomplete if the status is either Not Run, In Progress or Blocked.

    • When all assigned work is completed or if no estimated effort has been entered on the case, then Remaining Effort = 0.

Distribution by User Assignment

Use the 'User Assignment' distribution parameter to access the status of unassigned tasks and track the progress of assigned work.

Distribution by Case Priority

Case priority distribution parameters can be used to see progress on critical and high-priority cases and managers can assess where testing efforts need to focus.

Distribution by Case Type

Here, you can see the distribution of cases across testing types- Unit, Functional, API, Integration, etc.

Distribution by Requirement

Use this parameter to monitor the progress of testing on cases associated with linked Jira requirements. This report shows the case count for linked Jira requirements.

Distribution by Case Tags

The tags used in cases can be used as a distribution criterion for generating the execution distribution report. This report shows progress against tags used on cases in the selected cycle.

For further queries and suggestions, feel free to reach out to our customer support via help@aiotests.com.


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