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Editing a Case

From the Cases tab, clicking on the case key link takes you to the Case Details page.


The Case details page has 4 tabs – Details, Steps, Associations and History. Details of each of the tab is discussed below.


This is the first tab the user sees on click of the case key link. Details tab consists of 4 sections - Details, Comments, Jira requirements and Attachments.

  • Details - The details of the selected case can be edited like Folder name (a link to the folder containing the case), Owner, etc. by clicking Edit on top right of the Details section. Users can also update custom fields (if defined) and automation related fields

  • Comments - User can add comments to the case to give a review. An already added comment can be edited and deleted by the owner of the comment

  • Jira Requirements - Jira Requirements section shows Jira stories linked to the case for Traceability. If stories from multiple projects have been linked, they will be shown too. You can delete already linked stories or link new stories

  • Attachments - Files relevant to the case can be added here (file size should not exceed 10 MB). Clipboard images can be attached by simply pasting them in the box


The Steps tab contains the summary of the steps used in a case, with the data and expected results associated with it. User can edit steps by clicking Edit on top right of the Steps list.


The actions a user can take are - Add a new step, Attach Files to Steps, Duplicate a Step, Link another case, Copy steps from another case of the current project or another project that they have access to, to this case and Delete a step.

Users can also Reorder steps by dragging and dropping the handle on the left of each step.

Users can also use Find and Replace option as well as the Delete All Steps if required.

Users can click

  • “Save” to save intermediate steps and continue editing

  • “Save & Close” to save and exit the edit mode

  • “Cancel” to cancel the changes made to the steps



  • Add new step - creates a separate row below the step, to add details of the new step

  • Attaching Files to Steps - To attach documents/images at step level, click ‘Attach File’ icon from the ellipsis. A dialog box opens allowing users to attach or upload new documents for the selected step. Find more details here

  • Linking a case - To link another case, first click '+' to create a new row and then on the new row, click the link case icon from ellipsis. In the modal that opens, you can search for the case to be linked with help of key/ title or using any of the filter options. If you wish to link a case from another project, change the project from the project drop-down. Once the project is changed, the filters will show data from the selected project and the search box will allow you to search cases belonging to the selected project.


  • If a case from another project is linked and the logged in user doesn’t have access to that project in Jira, AIO Tests only shows the key of the linked case in a read-only format. The logged in user cannot expand the steps or see anything related to that case.

  • Copy Steps from other cases to this case - Users can copy steps already written for other cases into the case they are on. Users can also copy steps from cases of other projects. Find more details on Copy steps here

  • Delete a Step - Users can delete a step in the editing mode. The step is marked for deletion with an option to revert to it as long as the user is in Edit mode. The actual deletion happens on click of Save or click of Save & Close. Users have the ability to delete a linked case of another project even if they don't have access to the actual linked case



A Case can be associated / linked / added to another Case, Set or a Cycle. The selected Case’s information is divided into 4 tabs- Cases, Sets, Cycles and Defects. Below screenshot shows the case being associated to Cycles.

  • Cases - It displays the list of cases where this case has been linked as a step including cases from other projects

  • Sets - It displays the list of the sets in which the selected Case has been added including sets from other projects

  • Cycles - It displays the list of the cycles in which the selected Case has been added for execution including cycles from other projects. The list also displays the cycle start and end date and latest Run information like Run #, last execution status, date of last execution, who executed it and number of defects associated to the Run. If there are multiple runs in a particular cycle, then clicking on “Older Runs” will show the previous runs of the case

  • Defects - It displays the defects (created in Jira) associated with the selected Case. Defects created in other projects that are linked to the case are also shown


This tab gives the details of

  • Individual activities of each member of team

  • Changes made in the case by the members of the team