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Create Set from a Case

A Set can be created from Sets tab or from Cases tab in three ways. In all the options, only those cases will be added to the set that have a status that is eligible to be added to Set. A warning message is displayed letting the user know if there are cases that will not be added to the set being created.

Create Set from a single case

If a single case needs to be added to a set, user can click ‘Create Set’ by doing a right click on the case row to get the Create Set window (screenshot below). The case title is copied as the title of the set; Component and Release are also copied if they are assigned to the case.


User has the option to click

  • Create Set’ button on the window and the set will be created with selected case added to it (success message shown in screenshot below)


  • Add Cases’ button on the window to get a screen to add more cases to the set. This screen allows users to add cases from other projects as well by using the project selector drop-down (highlighted below)


Find more details on creating a set here.

Create Set from a folder of cases

A set can also be created for a folder of cases by clicking Create Set from ellipsis of the folders as shown below

In the folder shown above, ADP-TC-191 is in Under Review status and thus cannot be added to the Set.

The Create set window will show the warning message as in the screenshot below. If all cases in the selected folder have the same value for Release and Component, then Release and Component are copied to the Create set window. In Add Cases screen, users can select cases from other projects as well by using the project selector drop-down. Rest of the steps remain same as discussed in Creating Sets.


Create Set via Bulk Actions

Please refer to Create set in bulk actions section.