Automation Burndown Report

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Automation Burndown Report

Automation Burndown report shows how many cases are getting automated over a specified period of time (monthly, quarterly, etc.) along with saved manual effort. Cases can be specified in a variety of ways; same as in Automation Coverage report.

Generating Automation Burndown Report

Click on the right chevron, next to the report name to get the input screen for the report. There are 4 ways to specify for which cases the report should run - Cases list, Sets, Cycles and Requirements.

With each cases selection criteria, users can also specify

Activity Start Date: Date from which burndown needs to be calculated. This date is optional and if left blank, burndown will be shown from when the project was initialized

Activity End Date: Date till which burndown will be calculated. This date is optional and if left blank, burndown will be shown till the date the report is being generated

Guideline End Date: If there was a date until which automation work should have been completed, it can be specified here. It is optional. If provided, the graph will show a grey line depicting the rate at which cases should be automated to meet the deadline

Burndown time period: This parameter defines the grouping show burndown data in the table

  • Cases – Users can specify a list of cases by using filters or keep it empty to select all cases of the project. The default burndown time period is set as ‘Day’. But users can choose any of the available options.


  • Sets – Users can specify a list of sets by using filters. Report will be generated for unique cases belonging to specified sets. The default burndown time period is set as ‘Day’.



  • Cycles – Users can specify a list of cycles by using filters. Report will be generated for unique cases belonging to specified cycles. The default burndown time period is set as ‘Day’.  


  • Requirements – Users can specify a list of requirements by specifying Jira issue IDs, by using JQL or by using Jira’s saved filters. Report will be generated for cases linked to the specified requirements.


Click on “Generate” after specifying the cases criteria and the dates, if needed. The report will be generated as shown below. Each section is explained in detail below.



Understanding Report Output

There are 2 sections in the report - Overview & Burndown (graph and table).


This section shows the key statistics as per the given criteria.


  • Total Cases: The number of cases based on the specified input criteria

  • Automatable Cases: The number of cases that are not marked as Manual in the ‘Automation Status’ field

  • Automated: The number of cases marked as ‘Automated’ in the ‘Automation Status’ field

  • Pending: Cases that are yet to be automated (Automatable cases = Automated + Pending)

  • Total Effort: sum of estimated effort for all cases specified via the input criteria

  • Manual Effort: sum of estimated effort for all cases marked as ‘Manual’ in the ‘Automation Status’ field

  • Effort Saving: sum of estimated effort for all cases that have been automated (automated cases)

  • Prospective Gain: sum of estimated effort for all cases that are yet to be automated (pending cases)



The burndown section has a

  • graph depicting the rate at which specified cases were automated

  • table showing detailed numbers based on the ‘Burndown Time Period’ specified in the input


The graph shows the cases at the start of the date specified in Activity Start Date or from the date AIO Tests was enabled for the project. As the cases are automated, the graph shows how many cases are yet to be automated at a given point.



The table shows the Cumulative Total and the total by the specified burndown time period in the input.

The Cumulative Total has 3 columns

→ Pending: number of cases to be automated at the start of the specified date and then as per the grouping

→ Automated: number of cases that have been automated as per the grouping

→ Automated %: %age of automation done in the specified grouping


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